AL: Lawmaker introduces sex offender castration bill

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WIAT) — An Alabama lawmaker has a plan to permanently and physically punish someone convicted of certain sex offenses against children.

The bill, known as HB 365, would make those sex offenders have to get surgically castrated before they leave prison. HB 365 was introduced by State Representative Steve Hurst, R-Calhoun County.

He said the bill will be for sex offenders over the age of 21 that committed sex offenses against children 12 years old and younger. “They have marked this child for life and the punishment should fit the crime,” said Hurst. Full Article

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HB365 is wrong on so many levels, and now we can’t even leave the country without being placed in a position to be victimized by insane people like State Representative Steve Hurst. Unfortunately there are people like him in every country. All they need to justify their twisted lusts is to see our passport; that is if we can even make it out of the country. I feel more like a Jew in 1930s Germany more and more each day. We have no-place to run to, no place to hide from crazy people like State Representative Steve Hurst

Good Grief; This again?

I bet State Representative Steve Hurst would not pass a sex offender polygraph.

We need to start demanding these people take the test publicly for all to see and if they refuse, reveal what they are hiding.

It is time to ruin some careers.

I did not know women could be surgically castrated.

Doing that to male or female (how on female ?)…
Anyways would pretty much qualify someone there like that rep from timbucktwo caloon county with same qualifications: no balls.

If the slaveowner perpetrators of sex crimes that we know were committed in Alabama were castrated for their crimes during slavery times, Alabama would be empty today of anyone with white slaveowner heritage. So in other words, empty of the white people there today.

And, of course, SCOTUS would say that having your junk cut off is equivalent to a Price Club membership. But I digress…

State Representative Steve Hurst, R-Calhoun County is a sick puppy.

I’d love to get my hands on the skeletons in this idiots closet. I’ll bet he’s got small hands like “Trump”.

While every new law seems to be retro-active and somehow affects all who have ever made a drunken, poor judgement in their life. They’ll figure a way to round us all up and start cutting. I wonder if he’ll give them a knotted rag to bite on while they’re cutting.

It’s not funny… for all you need to do is look at what has happened with the laws over the past 25 years. And it sure isn’t getting any better.

Testosterone is blamed for violent crimes of all types. Why not castrate those engaged in physical assault. These are also much more likely to re-offend that those with sex crimes. And, testosterone is also produced in a woman’s ovaries, as is estrogen, so it is also possible to castrate women, it is just more expensive surgery. Hormonal imbalance is also blamed for women killing their children. So in the end, using the removal of hormonal producing glands as a crime fighting tool, why stop at people who are convicted of sex crimes. How about the angry dad who has an adrenaline rush anger and strikes his child, who happens just to be at the wrong place, causes lifetime emotional or even physical damage to the child. Why not? Create a whole population of mutants. Why because they tried that in the Dark Ages to punish criminal conduct by physical mutilation. Then we had the Enlightenment and intelligent people saw that having people running around with missing limbs and eyeballs caused by the State did not result in domestic peace. The people saw the rulers as cruel and tyrannical, sealing the fate of the rulers.

Dear Mr. Hurst’
When you Judge me without knowing me, you define yourself!

Is this perhaps consistent with Sharia law? Didn’t Alabama pass a resolution against Sharia law?

The article says this is “for sex offenders over the age of 21 that committed sex offenses against children 12 years old and younger”.

Does this include possession CP and indecent exposure in front of a child?

This has equal protection clause written all over it. If it’s impossible to surgically castrate female offenders then you cannot just castrate men because it is anatomically “convenient” to do so.

This is why the SCOTUS appointments are so important. Remember, we are talking about Alabama here. This proposal will probably gain traction and become law. It’s important to have intelligent, reasonable people on the bench so that things like this can be dismissed as the trash heaps that they are.

It’s very interesting and a thought provoking idea! I believe Society needs to wake up! There isn’t a day where (Carl’s Jr Commercials/porn all over the Internet/my city is littered with massage parlors/prostitution web sites (cityvibe)/sex all over the TV/Role models like Kim Kardashian who posts nude photos of herself/TMZ). My youngest son out of curiosity googled boobs! Porn splattered all over the Internet! It’s terrible! It’s almost like sticking a carrot out to a rabbit? I’m even curious to know what’s online, but I’m scared to find out. My plea was secondary to a masseuse who was a licensed Nurse renting a condo in someone else’s name and providing sensual massages! I came across her ad via a porn newspaper! I take full accountability! So, rather then blaming the offenders, maybe we should seek more of a therapeutic approach and send them to rehab ect. Then, start targeting things like rampant porn all over the Internet/curbing sexual TV shows/commercials and getting rid of prostitution web sites