FL: Brandon middle school students facing felony child pornography charges

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Deputies put the cuffs on two boys and two girls on Friday. All four are facing various child pornography charges.
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Corporal Larry McKinnon explains a 12-year-old boy took video of a juvenile victim performing a sex act on him.  That defendant then shared the video with a 14-year-old boy who posted it on Instagram.  Two other 12-year-old girls also received the video and are also now facing charges.

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So is Florida gonna make those kids live under a bridge too?

Yeah, someone should slap them with a law suit already. It’s an internment camp pretty much. Florida is so embarrassing damn, what happened to our country??? Isis didn’t do this. This hate for Americans has always been there just below our governments surface. Sad.

Florida? Yup, say goodbye to ever having a meaningful existence while being witch hunted all the way to hospice.

Forget terrorism … We are being destroyed by an epidemic of stupid.

I used to live in Flori-DUH from 2000-2004 had a house there ONLY CAUSE IT WAS CHEAP ! And I lived in a nice part of orlando, but would I ever move back again…. NO NEVER ! Its a poor state, run down, only thing good there is disney,universal and the keys ! not only would I never buy prop or move there again, ill never waste my time or $ on a ticket and going there. That state is pretty much the worst state for rso’s ever. Its ok some day it will flood right off the map and gone all the lame politicians making stupid laws 🙂

Does anyone realize that other industrialized countries don’t treat their kids this way? Americans are some turds. Kids are neurologically guiltless. Not one of those kids is capable of thinking about the ramifications of their actions because the part of the brain that executes functions like determining right from wrong, predicting future outcomes and repressing socially inappropriate behaviors has not developed. They are unequal to adults. The problem isn’t these kids.

IDIOCRACY!!!!! Good movie. I think we are headed there.

So why are these kids mature enough to know what there doing but if they had sex with a person one year older than them now they are the younger ones so now they are not responsible for there actions because there not mature enough but because they are all the same age they are mature enough? What changed? Nothing, how many of you people who made the laws or help bring it to law have had sex as under age person then you need to register as a sex offender, what you don’t want to, the statue of limitations ran out so you are guilty and if it’s not a punishment then you register as a sex offender! Because according to the law you are guilty.