Disney Princes are Sex Offenders

[Japan Today]


TOKYO–Imagine a loved one, say a sister or daughter, is lying comatose in a hospital bed when suddenly the son of a prominent politician walks past and sees her. Infatuated with her beauty, this fortunate son walks over and plants a big kiss on her lips. Probably most of us out there would suddenly feel inclined to press either charges or a fist against this joker.

But that’s exactly what happens in the celebrated fairy tales “Snow White” and “Sleeping Beauty,” according to Professor Kazue Muta of Osaka University – a specialist in historical sociology and gender theory and the author of Sir, that love is sexual harassment! a book detailing the problems of sexual harassment in the workplace.

In a tweet posted on Dec 11, Prof Muta accuses the princes in each story of sexual assault and links to a news story of a real incident in which a man in Wakayama was arrested for kissing a sleeping woman on the train.

“When you think rationally about ‘Snow White’ and ‘Sleeping Beauty,’ that tell of a ‘princess being woken up by the kiss of a prince,’ they are describing sexual assault on an unconscious person. You might think I’m ruining the fantasy of it all, but these stories are promoting sexual violence and I would like everyone to be aware of it.”


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This is getting so out of control. Would a peck on the cheek be interpreted the same way? And yes, professor, you ARE ruining the fantasy of it all. Geesh……..

If I remember correctly in Giambattista Basile’s Sleeping Beauty she didn’t wake up until after she had twins… Because the king found her and had sex with her while she was still unconscious.

The real truth is the majority of the American public are probably sex offenders…and pedophiles…since they seem to be the same thing. Considering how many people have had sex under the age of 18, past and present, most everyone should be locked up and castrated. Wouldn’t want these vile creatures loose on the streets.

Let’s get the palace guard and lock them up.

Yes and Hansel and Gretel were kidnapped by a canabalistic witch and they escaped by burning her alive in an oven. Scared the crap out of me. Those old German fairy tales were not that fair, they were meant to be R rated. Somewhere we thought kids couldn’t handled being scared, so we showed them Disney.

I suppose Bugs Bunny would be considered a dangerous serial sex offender considering how many times he forced kisses on Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd. That wouldn’t necessarily make him gay either, because he’s kissing out of his species. So, that would label him a beastialist. And, with that in mind, we have Roger and Jessica Rabbit. Pepe Le Peu is a violent rapist. Okay, I’ll stop now, but these are just a few examples of classic animated characters that could never be created nor tolerated in today’s ultra-paranoid society.

Man’s mistake was letting women on the field……..no stopping us now!

I’m ashamed to be a woman in this day in age….what disgrace, indecency, indignity……………