KS: Wichita YMCA to implement daily sex offender registry checks

The Greater Wichita YMCA is implementing a new sex offender check system after a Kid Zone employee was accused of sexually assaulting a child.

In an e-mail to members, Wichita YMCA CEO and President Ronn McMahon announced the YMCA will implement daily sex offender registry checks. McMahon said the system will notify daily of any staff member, guest or participant with a change in their status. Full Article



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I thought all YMCA’s banned sex offenders?

Once again, the registry made no difference regarding prevention. Bur it’s still useful because sex offenses are never listed in a criminal background check. (/sarc)

I bet this employee ep was accused of sexually assaulting a child wasn’t even on the list in the 1st place.

Right, because had a daily-check policy been in place beforehand, this wouldn’t have happened. The story makes no mention of his being a RC, and one of the commenters even checked the KS ML for him…and he’s not on it. So, as the commenter says, checking the NSOR would have returned nothing.

That’s it, America, keep closing the barn door after the horses are out.

Just so we’re clear, they’re going to check the registry for persons not listed on the registry. Seems legit!

Once again, we’re scapegoated and the go-to “usual suspects” when something like this happens. There is NOTHING proactive or preventative about the registry, but the illusory “identification” safety myth persists!

How does a registry that only lists crimes AFTER they are committed prevent new crimes again?

“Have you ever heard or observed anything about this candidate that would make you reluctant to recommend him/her for a job with children?”

I heard the man served ice cream to kids at his child’s birthday party and smiled while he was doing it. He must be a pervert, don’t hire him. Or insert any dialog where someone doesn’t want a certain person to work at the YMCA.

Why don’t they just create a Static 99 for people who haven’t yet been caught committing a sex crime. Say take a representative sample group of citizens (all white, middle age males) and come up with 10 distiguishing factors in their lives (ie., age at time survey, sexual preference, maybe eye color, whatever, who knows what will be significant until you survey it, etc.). Wait five years and see who is convicted of a sex crime. Take those people and see which of those 10 factors most fit the convicts. Voila, there you have it. Apply that test to everyone looking for a job. You find many things in common with previous convicted sex offenders, then you must be a sex offender, too. Sounds good, so it must work. Anyone complains and just say it is risk assessment applied under a regulatory regime for the protection of children. How can that be bad?

I think we are missing the point this is a prime example how the registry gives false security to the public and it Causes More Offending not less . Instead of focusing on how to screen employees they are falling back on the reg that they think will eliminate the problem instead it will open up opportunity from people not on the reg. Anyone that has committed a SO against a child has no business working or working out where they can be alone with a strange child. Them checking the reg is legit but they can’t use this as a failsafe because that only covers 10% of the risk and that 10% comes from SVPs and SOs still in denial. This is a great example why the reg should be only used for SO that have been deemed dangerous by a board, DR and Judge and re evaluated on a 5yr bases not 25yrs. If treatment providers had more input those of us that do the right thing wouldn’t even be on a reg and the public wouldn’t be at a greater risk from the reg.