NJ: How N.J. determines which sex offenders are dangerous, explained

Keeping track of New Jersey’s registered sex offenders falls to Megan’s Law units in all 21 counties. That includes classifying offenders based on the potential danger they pose to the public. When offenders registered in other states move to New Jersey, they undergo a fresh classification process based on Garden State guidelines. Full Article

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“How N.J. determines which sex offenders are dangerous, explained”

This is interesting and something I had not seen before.


Going by their grading scale, I’d be reclassified as a tier 1 if they really do all of this. Cant say I’d want to live in New Jersey though.

I never could understand the lack of common sense in humanity: so because a rare freak violently killed a child, and happened to rape her, that somehow translates into the Registry and now International Travel Restrictions all because this disgusting waste of humanity that should have never been born decided to be VIOLENT and kill another human being? How the hell does that make it OK to register people who have absolutely NO history of violence nor does their ‘sexual crime’ even have any violent elements to it? What about pornography? Where the hell is a single damn link of evidence that proves what these idiot politicians passed actually makes any factual sense?? There is NONE. Our society, particularly American society I suppose, has a serious mental disturbance when it comes to VIOLENCE. This has Nothing to do with anything “Sexual” or remotely Sexual. Yet we have these people with Little-to-No Life Wisdom sitting in elected positions of power that pass laws pulled out of Thin Air and with no backing. When will this country actually have more than 1 lawyer with a damn backbone to challenge this ‘Registry’ abomination to human society? This whole scheme has NO Backing, NO facts or Proof, NO links to 98% of the people on there that they are truly a threat, yet lawyers ALLOW this to continue. There must be more Lawyers out there that have backbone and actually want to try to do GOOD for the world, not just Janice Bellucci. Christ. It’s unbelievable how normal, seemingly intelligent people lose Do much Brain power when it comes to logically looking at problems. All of these Megan’s Laws and Adam Walsh’s were the result of REPEAT OFFENDERS WITH VIOLENT TENDENCIES. Keyword is ‘Violence’, not ‘Sex’. They did not Kill a human being with ‘Sex’ or ‘Sexual thoughts’.

So under New Jersey’s risk assessment, I’d be low risk and Tier 1. However, under California’s SARATSO/Static-99R tiered law I’d be “high” risk and Tier 3.

California is not “liberal” at all. It’s a fascist regime.

I’d be curious how the NJ Offender Assessment has worked compared to CA’s SORATSO(?)/ Static-99 for accuracy in predicting re-offense.