OR: Let ________ live his life: Letter to the editor

[oregonlive.com 5/11/12]

_______ should be given the opportunity to live his life (“Oregon State’s _______ denies molesting girl, says ‘nothing ever happened,’ ” May 7). The accusations and subsequent punishment he received is enough.

This story has received national attention and there seems to be a vicious campaign by the accuser’s mother to make him pay for this transgression for the rest of his life. This is brutally unfair and begs the question, “Why does she hold onto so much hatred?”

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Reading through the comments on this articles page, I was struck by some of the comments. A marked shift has occurred in the general public’s perception of registered sex offenders (or so it seems). While there are still a large number of knuckleheads that want a one size fits all attack on all registrants, there is a growing number of people that have begun to shift their stance on the registry.

One post in particular caught my eye. A therapist posted that we as a society have altered our expected treatment of traumatized individuals from a healing, learn to put it behind you, live your best possible life approach to therapy and now embrace an attitude of being the victim. As long as someone embraces the idea of being a victim, they will forever be in that place.

While I am in no way trying to minimize the effects of anyone’s traumatization, I am referencing a needed shift in how we perceive life’s events.

I was then struck by the thought that even registered offenders could take advantage of this mind set. Society can be a harsh and unforgiving task master but if we don’t focus our thoughts on the idea that a single bad choice defines who we are for the remainder of our lives then letting go, forgiving ourselves and living ones a healthy mental approach….I digress

Just seen this page http://www.ron-book.com very interesting

Since they helped to trash him, now they want to use his image, as OSU is in the CWS, to boost reader numbers. Here Luke is leading the article and the first game as the starting pitcher. Figures.

Btw, KC Royals are interested in him but there’s a lot of folks against the idea if you read the online articles.

Setting the (soggy) scene for Oregon State baseball’s CWS finals Game 1 with Arkansas
