NY: Legislation forbids bus stops near sex offender homes

To protect the safety of young children, the New York State Senate has passed legislation prohibiting the placement of school bus stops in front of the home of registered sex offenders. Full Article

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Just wait until her daughter land on the list in about 10 years from now.

It would be interesting to see how many time bus stop changes everytime a RSO move in.

I had a school bus stop 10 feet from my front door for about 12 years. I hated it because the bus brakes squeaked at 7:30 am every day. I often thought about calling the school district and telling them I lived there and my status just so they would change locations. But eventually it did get moved and I don’t have to hear them brakes squeak anymore.

“To protect the safety of young children” and “Many children are at bus stops unsupervised for periods of time in the morning and the afternoon, and a school bus stop in front of the home of a registered sex offender needlessly puts children at risk.”

Why do responsible parents leave their children unsupervised? Where’s the proof that “To protect the safety of young children… ” and “… a school bus stop in front of the home of a registered sex offender needlessly puts children at risk” does anything to protect them?

I grew up not having to worry about being assaulted by strangers. The only thing that has changed is now it’s mediacized.

On the other hand, it’s nice that bus stops aren’t placed near RC’s as opposed to RC’s having to move.

Email sent:
Dear Mr. Valesky,

Why do responsible parents leave their children unsupervised? Where’s the proof that “To protect the safety of young children… ” and “… a school bus stop in front of the home of a registered sex offender needlessly puts children at risk” does anything to protect them?

Well documented recidivism rates for registered sex offenders are less than 5%, less than most other types of crimes. Who’s to know if a previous murderer, drug lord, or dui offender lives near a bus stop? 95+% of new sex crimes are committed by a person in close relation to the victim (relatives, law enforcement, coaches, teachers, etc.)

I grew up not having to worry about being assaulted by strangers. The only thing that has changed is now it’s mediacized and politicians are struggling to get votes to stay in office.


This is actually a bit of a shift in our favor. Never mind the Chicken Little mom’s reasoning. The fact that the onus is now on the State (or whatever governmental entity) to figure out and comply with a RC law is a turnabout for sure. A weak win, but a win is a win is a win in my book.

It’s great that THEY have to move, not the RC!! Now all they have to do is expand upon that theme: If an RC moves into a house too close to a school, the school will have to pack up and move. If an RC moves into an apartment too close to a waterpark, the waterpark will have to move. If an RC moves too close to a YMCA, the YMCA will have to move.
I think it’s a wonderful trend!!

What stupid people. I don’t know what to say. Maybe they all need to read “Lord of the Flies” and get some perspective. The Beast is their own ignorance.

That’s what I was thinking. Rather than placing any sort of burden on RC, the district must now waste time and money trying to find a proper location, not to mention that it might inconvenience hundreds or thousands of children, as well as actually put in them in danger if the stop is otherwise in less safe neighborhood and/or a busier intersection. Billy and Suzy being run over by a car due to traffic will be worth the price of keep them safe from an RC.

Math class, kiddos.

Question: “How many times has a registrant victimized a kid waiting at a school bus stop just steps away from his (the registrant’s) front door?”

Answer: “About as many times that I have hit the Lotto jackpot 10 times in a row.”

This was only passed by the Senate, The assembly has not passed it and does not have a vote scheduled on this bill. The Senate in NY passes all kinds of crazy “sex offender” bills that go on to die in the assembly…

Ny assembly did not vote this into law. My therapist threatens my “treatment” group with these NY “laws” that are to be implemented “soon.” I call said therapist out on it each time and she gets angry. and says that I am not compliant with treatment, whoa!! On another note, does this mother understand that children at the bus stop may be in danger or are actively being sexually abused by their trusted neighbor, friend, or that awesome soccer coach (like I was) or even a doctor!! & Not by somebody who lives in a house at the bus stop. This mom is Happy but dangerously Misguided.