Anaheim Parks Ban City Council Meeting [updated with Audio]

CA RSOL spoke in opposition to the City of Anaheim’s proposed Parks ban October 9. Despite testimony from the Orange County DA and his deputy as well as the mother of Samantha Runnion, the City Council did not pass the proposed ordinance. California RSOL will return to the City of Anaheim the next time it considers this or a similar ordinance. Please come join us!

There appeared to be some problems with playing the video from this site. Please try listening to the audio instead.

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]Public Comments [audio:][/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]OCDA Presentation and City Council Discussion [audio:][/wpcol_1half_end]

If the videos  on this site do not play, please go here, and “Jump To” Public Comments and #16.

OCDA / Police Presentation and Council Discussion

CA RSOL Comments

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Seven people spoke in opposition to Anaheim’s proposed ordinance which would prohibit all registrants from entering into any of the city’s 50 parks. They showed up, they stood up and they spoke up. Thank you so much! Despite testimony from the Orange County DA and his deputy as well as the mother of Samantha Runion, the City Council did not pass the proposed ordinance! This is a great victory for California RSOL and the registrants and family members it represents!!

In addition to a successful outcome, there was a vigorous discussion of the issues by members of the City Council as well as the Chief of Police. One Council member specifically stated that she does not want to continue the punishment of registrants. The Chief of Police stated that he does not the ordinance would not be effective and is worried about potential legal liability.

Please watch this video to see for yourself what happened. California RSOL will return to the City of Anaheim the next time it considers this or a similar ordinance. Please come join us!

Thanks to all those who showed up, stood up and spoke up! Your time, effort and dedication is appreciated.

Wooohoo.. take back our lives!

Janice, I really hope you realize how big of an impact you make! This is amazing news. Furthermore, the council members comment regarding her desire to no longer punish registrants and the Police Chiefs comments are well taken and well thought out! Please remember, YOUR ALL making a difference and its becoming increasingly apparent that THE ORANGE COUNTY DA will one day regret he made the decision to impose these laws/they are unconstitutional. BRAVO.

Janice, you go girl!! This is just the start of more to come and we’re all thankful for your leadership, your passion, and your perseverance!!!

Great job. These small wins will continue to play out in the long run. I still believe that common sense will prevail. You cannot continue to punish people for a mistake they have made and paid their debt to society. Keep up the good work and let’s get the message out to everyone we know.

The videos are not playing for me. Do you have them somewhere else, like YouTube maybe?

way to go Janice!

I am thrilled. One step at a time. The victories help all of us have more energy to fight the stupidity. (did I say that out loud?)Thanks everyone.

Awesome work, Janice and the others who were there in support of the constitutional rights of ALL Americans!!! Bravo!!!

Try this link and then below, select the link for the meeting, October 9th, “video.” There is a jump-ahead feature so you can go right to public comments as well as item #16 on the video. It looks like the ones linked here might have gotten firewalled or something.

The videos work much better with Safari. Firefox won’t play them.

I appreciate the efforts staff has made to post the videos here in the forum. Unfortunately, they must all be firewalled or blocked on many, if not most, computers, including all browsers such as Safari or Firefox. The link to the meeting did provide the comments made by the pro-ordinance witnesses, as well as the chief enforcement officer (who actually supported our position). However, I was unable to find any video of Janice or other supporters that works. What alternative site can we view supporting testimony? Thanks in advance!

Now that the dust from the election has cleared, here is an interesting tid-bit relating to this website’s topic in general and the Parks ban ordinances and its main players in particular.

From the mayoral race in the City of Irvine:

“…Agran got T-Rack (OCDA) to do a robo-call emphasizing that sex offenders were not actually roaming Irvine’s parks.”

This is quite puzzling since that statement, apparently broadcast to prospective voters in the City of Irvine, is one hundred percent opposed to the testimony given in this Anaheim City Council meeting as well as the one IN Irvine in June 2011. See here:

Inquiring minds would like to know – why was the parks ban (in Irvine or any other city) ever necessary – imperative, if listening to these presentations – if sex offenders are not roaming the city’s parks? Or are they, but child protection is conveniently overlooked when it benefits a political ally and /or old buddy?

This is all so confusing…

Because “if it saves just one child it would be well worth it.” They’d rather save one child instead of thousands who could be saved through REAL preventive efforts.