Anthony talks with Creators columnist and veteran TV crime reporter Diane Dimond about whether police programs to contact and target registered sex offenders in the days leading up to Halloween constitute good public-safety policy or a needless violation of civil liberties. Full Article
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Bravo to Diane Dimon for her honest and forthright interview in support of registrants. She speaks the truth in her discussion of the hysteria created by elected officials who pass laws in hopes of furthering their careers while violating the constitutional rights of more than 700,000 individuals and their families. Diane also sets the record straight about the low rate of recidivism (about 5 percent) and the low percentage (2 to 3 percent) of pedophiles on registries. Diane said she is concerned about Halloween ordinances passed by cities throughout the nation and wonders when similar ordinances will be passed limiting registrants’ celebration of July 4th, Easter and Christmas. In her closing, Diane challenges lawmakers to fix the problems they have created. It’s worth 30 minutes of your time to listen to this compelling interview.
When I was younger, I always believed peope were honest and that those individuals in positions of authority were both truthful and always conducted themselves in both an ethical and always professional manner. Yet, we have the DA of Orange County outright lying about recedism of Sex Offenders! This is an individual who has both and ethical and moral obligation to tell the truth? This is very disturbing. He is an outright liar! Diane Diamond really did a wonderful job with this commentary. Who has ever heard of anyone being banned from participating in Halloween? This is truly disturbing! Furthermore, who has the right to tell you what you can do in your home (all lights must be shut off and your not allowed to answer your door)? What’s next? Christmas? Thanksgiving? The 4th of July? What if a sex offender works at a fire works booth? Or, why don’t we ban sex offenders from malls? Movie theaters? Skate parks? Golf clubs? Oh, what about transit buses? Or, maybe metros? This whole idea of banning anyone from participating in a holiday or a public place is veryyyyyy disturbing. Presently, the requirement of banning sex offenders from living in certain areas/school proximities and banned from libraries is being over turned from one city after another! Can you imagine? Sex offenders in OC are currently banned from parks, beaches and libraries ? I can’t even cognitively comprehend if this is real or not! Will I wake up soon and realize this is a dream? We need to continue to fight this out of control city officials!