FL: Two arrested in videotaped school sex incident at Fivay High School

PASCO COUNTY, Fla. – Two juveniles have been arrested in connection with a videotaped sex act in the library at Fivay High School in Pasco County, according to a sheriff’s statement.  Deputies say a 17-year-old boy had sex with a 15-year-old girl, reportedly on tables behind some book shelves.  Thy say the act was videotaped by a 15-year-old boy and shared via Bluetooth transmission with a female student.  The 17-year-old boy is now charged with lewd or lascivious battery. The student who videotaped the act is charged with transmission of…

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Los Alamitos amends sex offender law

LOS ALAMITOS – Looking to address potential legal issues surrounding sex-offender-related laws, the City Council on Monday night amended its code that bans registered sex offenders from public places. The local ordinance now narrows the definition of “sex offender” to those who specifically have been convicted of a sexual offence involving a minor. “This will ensure that the restriction serves to protect the public from the specific threat of child predators, without unnecessarily burdening the rights of individuals who may not present that threat,” according to a staff report. Full Article

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