Petition: Albany Times Union newspaper and Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann: Remove addresses of family members of sex offenders

It is against Pinterest’s terms of use to post personal information of another person – yet they are blatantly ignoring this policy by ignoring multiple reports of the four Pinterest boards owned by the Albany Times Union, which post the photographs and personal information of people on the registry and by proxy, their family members and children. There is no evidence to suggest this type of notification is effective at protecting the public – in fact, it may increase recidivism by making it impossible for registrants and their families to…

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KS: Kansas judge finds offender registry ‘punitive’

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas judge has ordered law enforcement agencies to remove a man’s name from the state’s offender registry, saying an amended law ostracizes offenders and requires them to remain registered longer than necessary. Tuesday’s decision by Shawnee County Judge Larry Hendricks addressed only the case of the man who sued to end his registering requirement, but it could extend to others in his situation if the state Supreme Court upholds it upon appeal. High courts in other states have struck down similar registration laws that have been found to be too excessive.…

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