OR: Lawmakers pass univ. autonomy, tiered sex offender system bills

Lawmakers rushed to approve the final pieces of a two-year budget and leave Salem after 155 days — five shy of the constitutional deadline to finish their work.

One of their final acts was passing an $800 million bonding package to fund construction projects around the state, including a 174-bed psychiatric hospital in Junction City. Some Republican legislators criticized the project because of the high costs associated with staffing and operating the facility after it’s built.

The package, however, passed each chamber with a large majority Monday. Full Article

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Its difficult to follow that without knows the language of the statutes behind the statute numbers. However, bottom line is that Tier 1 can petition to stop registering after merely five years, not the 10 years we have been pushing for! And the other tiers can petition to be classified to a lower tier — I’m not clear, but that might be the process for them to finally end SOR, lowering their tier one at a time.

I’m not clear what Oregon’s tier 1 offenses are. I do not presume they include all the low-level offenses for which California requires SOR. But note: while the federal requirement for SOR is a minimum of 10 years, that applies only to the offenses for which the feds require SOR — and Oregon is setting a lower limit for offenses not on the federal list.

I don’t believe the feds require SOR for any misdemeanor, nor for many or any low-level felonies even. At any rate, the feds do not require any SOR for many of the offenses in the proposed tier 1 for California that is being pegged at 10 years here, mindlessly adhering to a number in the federal law that doesn’t even apply to those offenses! For god’s sake, even Oregon’s 5-year minimum for those is too long.

Both California and Oregon should drop from SOR all offenses for which the feds do not require SOR — that is, simply conform, if for no other reason just so people can reasonably know what’s what, rather than have completely different standards everywhere you go — but also because there simply is no justification to be applying SOR to such low level offenses nor to bee spending all the money it requires to handles that registration for those offenses.

I note, it will do no good for anyone convicted in Calif.. to move to Oregon to take advantage of this bill. This bill specifically bars it applying to anyone convicted outside Oregon unless that jurisdiction would also provide similar relief.

I really have to agree with the both of you! To say the least, there are some individuals who have committed some serious sex crimes and deserve to be on the registry! Although, there are thousands of others who have been on the registry for years and never committed even a parking infraction! To say the least, this is getting old in California. The State is broke, the prisons are overcrowded and unlike prior to my legal issue, I have such a different outlook on the judicial system and police. I honestly feel the police like people being on the registry for job stability and it makes them all that more important. I plead to a wobbler Battery 18 years ago. Charges dismissed (expunged/ect) and I received SUMMARY PROBATION. I would love to move to Oregon. Here is really what gets me. This charge or what not is considered an other in California (its not a high risk or serious). ALthough, if I’m not mistaken, the Adam Walsh Law would make it a High RISK?