Don’t make the mistake of falling into the bigotry, propaganda and lies put forth by any hatemonger groups that are attempting to make themselves look better or feel better by attacking a disfavored people. These groups always use myths, half-truths and lies and the result is that these bigoted groups siphon off much-needed funds from communities using such catchwords as “if it saves one child” or “community safety” when in fact laws rules and regulations based on these misconceptions are damaging children and doing nothing for community safety this one truth is supported by the literally many hundreds of articles, studies and evaluations that the bigots don’t want you to know about. Because if you were to find out the truth of how these people making money for their personal gain and diverting much-needed resources to satisfy their unjustified hatred and bigotry it would surely put an end to it. Full Article
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This article describes exactly what happened to my children. I would add the financial burdens of court and not finding decent employment, which strains any family’s solidarity. The answer always comes back that “you (the offender) caused all this.” This only produces more guilt in the former offender. Guilt does not force me to be a good person. That is already in me. Endless guilt only makes me depressed, angry and lack confidence, and gets in the way of what needs to be done. The antidote to guilt is positive action by the guilt ridden. That is why, under the existing environment, I tried to give my children as normal an existence as possible and to show that their needs are fulfilled as best as the situation allows. And what better role model than a parent who faces the slings and arrows of outrageous hatred to attend your school play. But that is not normality, and I am an individual and children need the support of a village, also. There is an almost pornographic lust of people to see criminals suffer. Look at the number of crime shows and crime stories in the media, families broken apart, personal stories of pain and loss of liberty glorified. There is no empathy expressed in these stories, even for the victims whose shattered lives are nakedly strewn across the videodrome, free material for policy makers to take advantage of. I view this as a sanctioned illegality that goes uncorrected, that is not yet recognized as a problem by the State. Sheltering my children from this pornography, while providing some sense of community and family is like juggling wine glasses while staying afloat in deep water without a life preserver. In a stormy sea. I do it the best I know how to.
People who think we should stop burning witches must be devil worshippers though,right? 😉