Sheriff’s office conducts compliance checks, probation searches of local sex offenders

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Lake County Sheriff’s Office recently conducted additional compliance checks and probation searches of local sex offenders during Halloween.

The compliance checks were conducted took place from Oct. 28 through Oct. 31, according to Lt. Steve Brooks. On Oct. 28, deputies contacted and searched 10 sex offenders who all appeared to be within compliance, Brooks said. Full Article

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Wow, with the exception of TWO that they listed (drugs and public intoxication) the entire list is comprised of “Failure to Register” as if they can’t even fathom why they would choose to take that risk.

What gets me is that why no one even bothers to take notice as to WHY so many are “Failing to Register.”

If registration is so harmless to the offender and easy to follow, why on earth would they take the risk and violate it? Could it be because the list causes discrimination in jobs, housing, causes panic, outrage, threats? No….that can’t be it….they fail to register because they want a change at a victim……riiiiiight.

This story is from my County. We have a Sheriff (Rivero) that has been given a “No Cofidence” vote from the Board of Suppervisors. We have 20% unemployment here and of course a RSO can’t find employment or housing here. Many are homeless. I’m lucky, I own my house. Just can’t get a job to pay property taxes. When will the stupidity end? This County Sheriff makes so many mistakes that has caused many law suits. This County is ripe for another large law suit. They used to lock me up (book me) for up to 4 hours in order to register. Usually frisked and had to remove my shoes and belt to register. Always had to fill out all the booking info that any arrested person must go through.

It seems that in addition to compliance checks, the Lake Co SO’s are also collecting overtime checks and gov’t grant checks!. Keep the arrests goin to keep the money flowin!

Again, regarding compliance checks, if it is not a matter of probation or parole, you do not have to so much as open the door for them. In fact, they can’t even go to your door if you take action to lock a gate, or post a sign saying no admittance to anyone under penalty of trespassing, or some other action that removes the “implied public access” that allows anyone, including police, to go to your front door.

If you do open the door to them before you realize it is them, simply politely say something irrelevant, like “no thank you,” and close the door and lock it. You do not have to talk with them, you do not even have to state who you are or whether a registrant lives there. You do not have to respond to anything at all that they say or ask or demand. Again, unless you are on probation or parole, you do not have to say a word to them any more than you have to say a word to anyone. This, of course, is for a compliance check.If they produce a warrant, well, that is another story altogether just like it would be for anyone. But if they don;’ tell you they have a warrant or show it, it is not your responsibility to ask them.

Don’t stand by and let them harass you with compliance checks. Close them out, ignore them — otherwise they will only be encouraged and do more and more of it. Cooperating and talking with theme is not going to get them to stay away, it will only get them to increase it.

I’ll have to check out the locked gate and sign that Anonymous Nobody mentions in his/her? post. That’ll be great if it’s true because the wannbe gestapo agents/Hitler deciples have been to my residence three times this year already. I do not answer the door because I do not wish to participate any more than I am forced to in the lie that these oppressive laws and the registry are. I’m going on my 3rd year without subjecting myself to harassment by answering the door and “talking” to them. And besides; legally I don’t have to.