State attorney general launches initiative to reduce recidivism in California

Attorney General Kamala Harris has launched a new initiative designed to curb recidivism in California through partnerships between the California Department of Justice’s new Division of Recidivism Reduction and Re-Entry and the state’s counties and district attorneys.

The division will support counties and district attorneys by partnering on best practices and policy initiatives, such as the development of a statewide definition of recidivism, identifying grants to fund the creation and expansion of innovative anti-recidivism programs and using technology to facilitate more effective data analysis and recidivism metrics.

“California’s district attorneys bring vital experience to the challenge of reducing recidivism, and it is important their perspective is incorporated,” said Attorney General Harris. “This new division will support innovative, evidence-based approaches to recidivism solutions in California.” Full Article

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Wow! I’m curious if this “new program” will be applied to SO’s, after all, don’t RSO’s have an astronomical recidivism rate? I hear it’s somewhere around 1.9%. Gee whiz Beav, can they get it down to zero? Well, on second thought, if the facts were publicized, then there wouldn’t be a scare, and if there isn’t a scare, then there would be no need for a registry. I’m so confused!

is this going to apply to rso? or everybody else except RSO?

It is all talk and 290s get nothing, nothing I tell you nothing…. thank you g.Scott 290

The recidivism rate is 1.3% for new sex crimes. 69.1% is rate for all recidivists. 1.9 is percentage of those recidivists who commit new sex crimes. 69.1% times 1.9% equals 1.3% of all convicts released. 3.5% of recidivists are fail to register. Get rid of the registry you will get 3.5% reduction in recidivism. Get rid of parole violations which are not new non sex crimes and you reduce recidivism 86.9%. Their figures, not mine. No need to get more money and do more studies. Do those two things and recidivism rate is reduced, public safety is not harmed (my opinion), and the money can be used for education, solving unsolved murders, healthcare or whatever.

Of course not, its not going to apply to SOs

Sounds good. But why the impedous to reduce recidivism, when crime rates have already decreased in recent years. Beware of bureaucrats bearing gifts.

There needs to be a law to curb their recidivism, with all their ridiculous laws already on the books; the last thing needed is another law that doesn’t do what it was intended to do.

If they want to wage this new “War On Recidivism” effectively then they need to correctly identify the “enemy.” In order to do that, they should start by looking in the mirror and scrutinizing what they find. Next, they should take a look at the legislature, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Corrections Corporation of America, and the California Correctional Peace Officers Association (and similar organizations). Because they all have a common goal — to lock people up. If they really want to rehabilitate, they need to all need to get their priorities straight and adjust their policies.

The key words here are “new division of Recidivism Reduction and Reentry.” More money and more jobs. Milk that Cash Cow!!!