Sex offender fights registry by registering his registerers [updated]

UPDATED with related story

If nothing else, ____ ____ is not your typical ex-con.

At first glance, he looks like the model returning citizen: After serving more than a decade in prison, ____, 70, returned to the District, started a gallery for prison art and ran for mayor.

… So, for his latest act, ____ has decided to protest his treatment by creating his own online data base and registering the people who monitor him at the sex offender registry. Full Article

Related: Dennis Sobin Has a Registery for People Who Register Sex Offenders (and He Included His Son on It)

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I wholly support this man and the next time I have to register, the LE who handles it in my area will be having his picture taken and sent to the man who runs this website. I have had the idea of creating a website which would essentially be a “law enforcement registry” since police carry guns, mace, and tasers which could be used to commit crimes against children.

Nice; really nice, and we need one here in the stupid state, California. The section of the web site “about earlier registries” and “witch lists” have a striking similarity to what is going on today.

Why isn’t the Orange County DA at the top of this list?

Hmmm… a Constitutional Offenders registry…so we all know who has offended the Constitution and can take appropriate actions to protect it.

I like this guy. That’s some real grit!

I am all for this. This is exactly what can be used to fight these registries. My only issue is that he is using the website to insult or say hostile remarks towards the people that he posts about. In my opinion, this can be very counter productive and give anyone who tried to shut down the website some “slack” by doing so.

It should be listed with facts. Since they list where we live and where we work, we can do the same. They are public figures after all. One can also list every single bit that they have done in opposition against Registered Citizens.

After reading this article, I WILL STRONGLY consider creating a website of my own for the state of California. I’ve been out of work for over three years and I have absolutely nothing better to do with my time outside of school. This could start a trend and actually educate people about the TRUTH about Sex Offenders and expose any and ALL politicians that try to use the Sex Offender label to boost their low approval rating….

Case in point, Mr. District Attorney. He lost a case and virtually let two policemen get away with cold blooded murder……this is AFTER it’s been so long that he has fought a case personally himself!! After that blew up in his face, he turned his attention on the Sex Offender ruling for his prized Ordinances….HIS flagship over the last few years.

Ohhhhh, I’m getting excited about making such a website. I must investigate the costs.

I have long thought of creating a politicians against the constitution registry….hmmm

not much

let see it would cost
under 20 for domain name

$20.00 a month for a good hosting

add wordpress like this one
or wiki (free)

add membership file
I like to use

since there are many bored RSO here it can be a success!

JANICE–This is a fantastic idea !!! HOWEVER, we ALL have to act VERY quick…Beating the politicians to the punch is KEY !!! Politicians will work OVERTIME to get this BANNED. GET THE word OUT SO THEY CANNOT stop us !!! THX

Ironically, one of the first places where our point of view is actually being considered is from New York. A year ago, after the Sandy Hook shooting tragedy, a newspaper put out a “sex offender registry-like” clickable map of all the registered gun owners in the county. This infuriated many people, many who were scared for their own families as they felt threatened for being exposed! A court forced the paper to shut it down, but I’m sure many conservatives’ views were altered when they saw how exposed they felt their FAMILY was, not just themselves.

I myself am torn on this issue. The only reason to perform such a deed, in my opinion, is to accelerate the revocation of all registries. But I can also see how this would backfire, and that people add MORE fuel to the fire of sex offender persecution. At this point, I feel the latter is far more likely, and that our efforts should be made on highlighting the collateral damage inflicted on our family members. In short, when you infuriate the already irrational people, you get even more irrationality…which may be destructive not just to RSO’s but to society as a whole.

Anyone please add to this. Someone who has a greater grasp of the issues or anyone who has ideas please share. This is very rough.

“Politician Abuse of The Constitution Registry”



We are a group of concerned Americans who feel the ideals of our forefathers have been severely eroded in regards to our constitution that this great country was founded. Whether it’s the freedom to bear arms, a women’s right to choose, the right to privacy or equal protection …

We feel politicians have taken the constitution and have twisted it for there own benefit (or have…) and it is our intent to publicly name these politicians so we as Americans can be better informed and make smarter choices when it comes to voting for….

@ Steve: Very Good, Now if We can add that it is the “Families” Of Americans destroyed By Public Registries It becomes More Plural. Or We could ask for All Registries to be Banned due to Public Persecution & Social Vigilantism Meted out on Innocent Family Members like the gun registry site mentioned above Was took down due to being targeted for what ever. I say any Public web site that displays ANY personal details that has and could lead to persecution after the price was paid? Deemed Illegal Period. still waiting on that XXX solar flare all else fails Build The Site,,,,Better Yet How about a Public Service Announcement Via Flyers & a Hotline with a picture book names Jobs Home address & pass it out Via Drone Drop Leaflets,,,Is that Littering? Meh, IDK,,But We did it in WW2 & besides Hitler Had a registry that started with the Gays & just spiraled out from there We Know How that went!(X)_(X)

& Not Being Irrational Helps but what is happening is being ALLOWED TO HAPPEN! Is That Rational thinking? I think Not! Fight Fire with,,,,?

The Only People Who do not like Transparency are those with something to hide! Who was it that said that? Hmmmm I Vaguely Can’t Remember;-)

Anyone who wants to can send me some nominees for Constitutional offenders. That’s a start. I’ll see what I can do. I have a site to fill. Get some information first and then see how to organize it. Only thing, I don’t want to throw my email out there. I guess we can keep doing it through this forum. Any tech savvy got any ideas on how to communicate on this project?

Yes I do, How about We set up a public SO forum “Seminars” & get paid to tell people How They can Prevent sexual abuse in their homes & on the street while educating them in mass on the Myths & Facts as well as explain the How of Politics what role they play & how IT WILL EFFECT THEM! A sexual abuse seminar for the public as consults. honey not vinegar. I think it would be very impressive to have Our Own give public service with prevention & education in mind. Janice Could I do it actually have a group of brave souls from every type of sex offender say maybe 4 or 5 RSO’s & Maybe as well as some Family Members/Victims that’s brave enough to do this & advertise get a venue and charge $ @ the door. Hell They pay for these services on line for info. Let’s give it to them strait from the Horses Mouths an in depth speech of facts fallowed By Q & A? It’s like goin’ to the freak show & askin’ the freaks What the Hell Happened to You & getting Honest answers on How to keep it from happening to Them. Human Curiosity can be Our or 1 way to face this Head on & EDUCATE THOSE THAT VOTE FOR THIS STUFF. An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure or so they say. Furthermore IF it is presented and executed with skill and taste It Could go Way Viral & then We could sell DVD’s & have seminars for the public. IF You were all freaked out about a Neighbor RSO & You go out & get Your Paper and there is an add that says ” SEX OFFENDER PREVENTION SEMINAR THIS WEEK” @ SUCH N SUCH PLACE @ such n such time(s) $20 @ the door or better yet call # for Tickets available & reservations. Well Whaddyah think? I think I will sign up First besides I want to make My old PO eat his words with a spoon full of crap That I will always be a piece of $#*^ that will NEVER be Nothing I do not “GIVE UP” but I sure could make a bunch of people safer & others eat their Words & Their deeds would be exposed I feel We have been going @ this all Wrong in some ways You want answers You want Truth You will get Yer Moneys worth bring a notebook & pencil. Time for Offense We have been going Defense this whole time & the best defense is a really good offense They Score! AND word of mouth is a really powerful tool as WE ALL KNOW We could even put up Our own Flyers in neighborhoods, Oh Yea when we fill a Venue with curious parents with 200+ seats @ $ 20.00 each I want in. They “PO’S” say You Can’t do ANYTHING EVER AGAIN…Watch Me!

The Sheep Just Got a New Guard Dog & it is a very well trained, underestimated, Misunderstood Trust worthy WOLF. Now Who wants to Join the Pack & Prove Your selves by Fire? We have already been persecuted, prosecuted & Hunted it is time to hit them in their six & watch them go into a smokin’ ground bound spiral with their ailerons & tail full of holes…” figuratively speakin’ of course..;-) I Know it would work I’ll Go First I said send Me to the Front I will Lead By example those willing to fallow & learn to Fly With Eagles not peck around like chickens waiting for an Eagle to take You to Lunch. Or You Will Be Lunch…Savvy? & Yes I can Be a Motivational speaker & No I’m definitely afraid but I Am also a Very, Very Motivated Person.

I’m all in about this sex registry thing as I believe its nothing more than a black list of sinners and I’m sure we all have sin at least the last time I counted I still had sin. Its degrading and keeps people from seeking work, should I go on.

Bruce, Tim, and Janice and all you people, you are right about America and we need to get back to our original Constitution. American government has lost there roots. When they took pray out of school that was a start of a downfall. When they took God out of America that was their mistake.

I am afraid that we all have surrendered our liberties to corrupt politicians and they have turned there backs from the God centered liberties of the Constitution and made there own Constitutions.

The power of all of this was giving by “We the People” and while the years keep passing by “We the People” need all to stand up for what is right and what is wrong like Martian Luther King did. We all want our vested rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And most of all we need God at the helm.

Here’s a letter that letter about pray, I think you all might enjoy it.

Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of the Almighty God, in all the affairs of men and of nations, has, by resolution requested the President to designate and set apart a day of National prayer and humiliation.
And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope and genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon: and to recognize a sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord…..It behooves us than, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness …….. Abraham Lincoln

I guess a lot changes when you take God out of the Constitution and prays’ from school’s. Morals have gone to pot. Gay rights and gay marriages are more popular than those condemned on the sex registry in the United States today. What’s wrong with this country? Let God be true and everyman a liar.

If these lawmakers want to keep this sex registry and keep everyone under a scarlet letter by their sin than the government is playing God. When I commit a sin I confess it to God. I don’t put it on a list with others for everyone to see and than make there own judgment when you’ve already been judged. If one is gonna judge than judge righteously or don’t judge at all..

I’m sorry to say that today’s trails that are done for a sex offender caught in a sting operation is done with a plea deal and not like the for-fathers had wanted it to be. Than the public defender tells his client that, well if you go to trail on this, you know how the jury is gonna look at this. When your already scared from the start, they toss a scare tactic into it. Bottom line its all about money.

America needs to wake up and all those on capital hill, this sex registry keeps one in bondage and so do a lot of your laws….. I thought people where free but we are all under bondage from birth.

If I had my rather, I would rather be under the bondage of God than Man anytime because God’s yoke is easy and his burden is light. Man’s bondage is harsh and punishes the sex offender with their registry for a lifetime and well one can forgive about kids and family’s or church attendance. one’s almost being treated liked a leaper.

“It is essential for this group to have strong attorney (s). Also there will very likely be be
internal imposters to the cause against change.”

“Hitler turned the German economy around and started to make what could have been the greatest nation in the world. But he began making mistakes almost from the very beginning. He turned too many people who might have followed him to the ends of the earth for a truly just cause. And he exterminated people who would have served and admired him for what could have been good and not evil. He was very lucky, he was in a position of power to do truly good for mankind. His thinking was totally wrong and it undermined him. He could have used his gift better. And been in control of himself and his peers. Very unfortunate. Too much destructive energy. And not resourceful. The U.S. populace knows of the wrongs of blind persecution.
That is really what is in the core of their being.
That is how the United States was formed.
for liberty, equality and not blind justice.
Persecution through revenge only is not true justice. Justice should be understanding, compassionate and support change for the good and betterment of mankind, for all especially the oppressed.”