CANTON — Brand new state Rep. Sam Moore (R-Macedonia) is pushing a sweeping law that would allow registered sex offenders to go anywhere they want — even to schools.
Moore, in his first week in office, has turned in a bill that would overturn the crime of loitering and make it so registered sex offenders who aren’t otherwise barred from going to schools or places children gather could go to those places freely.
“I am OK with that,” Moore said Thursday, adding that he meant only those who were off parole and not barred from those places. “The reason I’m OK with that is the assumption is they have done their time. If they’re still a danger to society, they should not be free. … Am I saying it’s not creepy? It’s definitely creepy.”
Moore is the sole signer on House Bill 1033, which also prohibits law enforcement officers from forcing residents to identify themselves under any circumstances. Moore said that is a practice that violates Fifth Amendment rights to silence and was the original intent of the bill. Full Article
Also see: Anti-loitering bill slammed in House
Sounds good, but you know someone is going to whack that idea fast with a machete
Good god, the man is a Republican and he is doing something obviously sensible and intelligent? I hope he is the first of many more just like him.
At face value this politition looks like a guy who got elected by supporting one amendment to the Constitution but is willing to give up his seat to defend other amendments, even if it is grossly unpopular. That’s integrity. I didn’t know they make them like this anymore.
Sounds like he’s a Libertarian who ran as a Republican in order to get elected. I hope he succeeds! For a Southern state, Georgia has made a few steps in the right direction about these laws in the past few years. Of course that was only after many absurd steps in the crazy direction. Maybe it can flow southward into Flori-Duh.
A sign of reason in an unreasonable world? Amazing!!! As a Republican, I’d like to believe there are some progressive open minds. Although intelligence is the major factor needed for both parties. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could travel back in time to the founding fathers and help them write the constitution.
I would love to investigate how the rumor started that all sex offenders are repeat offenders. And that once they got caught, it was only after they already molested a hundred kids they didn’t get caught molesting before.
Anyone take a look at the comments? I tried to post a comment but it kept wanting to charge me $ .99 cents, to be precise, for a subscription! This is one ballsy dude to be taking this stand over there in Florida’s neighborhood. Georgia may as be a part of Florida. I don’t think he is going to last very long. I hope he does and get’s some things accomplished, but I don’t think so.