Man haunted by sex offender with same name & birthdate

Imagine not being able to land a job because you have the same name and birth date as a convicted sex offender. A Buffalo man is facing that very tough situation right now. It is an indescribable frustration facing John Lamar Johnson, a North Buffalo man with family to provide for, who says he’s not giving up until his name is cleared.

When your name is John Johnson, you know you’re not the only one out there. “I told my mom I wanted to change it. She said no, I gave you that name,” John said.

Unfortunately for this John Johnson, there is another man in Buffalo who shares the same name, the same date of birth, and just happens to be a registered sex offender. Full Article

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As sad as this situation is, at least he can come out publicly and complain about the difficulty of providing for himself and his family without subjecting them to further pain and suffering.

Unfortunately,registrants and their loved ones are relegated to the silence of shame and fear brought on by a cruel and hateful world, no matter what their circumstances.

How bizarre when the ones who should be truly ashamed are those who allow this archaic social ostracism and punishment to continue against ex offenders and their families.

Poetic Justice…

Any publicity about injustice is good publicity….excellent ..!!!. excellent ..!!!. …more people out got to complain too…..they will how injustice works.

He needs to be picked up and register because the SO Registery is never wrong…

Obviously this man doesn’t care about children… because if it protects just one child, then it’s all worth it… right?

The law states that it is illegal to discriminate against registrants in cases of employment, housing and a host of other areas. So how is it possible for this unfortunate individual not be able to be helped?

The law is a Rube Goldberg contraption not fit for humanity, much less for the idiots that try to interpret and enforce it.

I was using a second last name prior to my conviction and have no kind of identification (or anything for that matter) under my birth name (name charged under). Many people use other than their birth name. We must (depending on your listing authority) list it as an additional name AKA (also known as) at time of registration. I like the Curtis name because it’s very common and lends my situation as one that is not to distinctive. To change a name is expensive. Why not just take on an additional instead of changing? If every registrant did this it would step on others with that new name especially if they have your same birthday and live in the same area. This would be a way to make the on-line hit list even less effective IMO. As a hairstylist I’m amazed people don’t color their hair or grow a mustashe before or after registering. It won’t fool police but the average Joe might not pick up on it. Unless you live in a real small community. That’s why I think most RSO’s should live where there are more people for the blend in factors.

Registry day.. I am clean shaved with shaggy hair wearing the brightest shirt I can find… and dump the shirt in the dumpster, grow out my beard and shave my head… the “Residence Check” people have to really look at me and ask for my driver license to confirm its me…

I’d like to know a little more of your name change. I can certainly see the benefit of a legal name change, and having two of everything could be kind of cool…for a while. lol Pretty sure I’d have to give up my current CDL, make the change on all accounts. I am quite curious though, I can see where this could really gum up the works!