MO: Gladstone woman on a crusade for change following Hailey Owens’ death

GLADSTONE, Mo. — Donna Roesle is a mother of three adult kids. Hours after the murder of Hailey Owens, she organized an online petition in hopes of getting a law passed that will get tougher on criminals who commit crimes against children.

“It’s just awful that somebody can go out there and grab an innocent baby and do this,” Roesle said. Roesle has a daughter who is expecting her first child. The outrage she felt after Owens’ sudden death has left a hole in her heart and pushed her into action. Full Article

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Once again a law based on emotions and not facts. Maybe this ladyshould just stay with her beauty school.

Neighbors unable to stop Missouri girl’s abduction

What a tragedy; perhaps it’s time for us to call our lawmakers to account to explain why the plethora of laws designed, packaged and sold to us for allot of $$$ appear to not work. I would like them to explain to me why none of their solution’s / laws have seemingly never worked. I also wish them to explain to me why every time a tragedy like this happens the only thing they seem to be able to do is pass another costly law that does nothing to protect anyone (their laws just sound good). The fact of the matter is their laws do not protect anyone, as I’m sure this child, Hailey would attest to if she could; empirical evidence clearly shows these feel good laws in fact cause harm to children, Just ask Hailey’s parents, siblings and friends. I wonder how many politicians and lawmakers are going to step up and exploit Hailey to pass more useless laws to make themselves look good and that give a false sense of security and protect no one. I think everyone deserves answers; Especially Haileys family.

I do wonder where all these good citizens and their righteous outrage are in cases like, say, this one:

The Mahmudiyah killings was the gang-rape and killing of 14-year-old Iraqi girl Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi by United States Army soldiers on March 12, 2006 –

…in the news just recently.

Soldier convicted in rape, murder of Iraqi girl is found hanged –,0,4860636.story#axzz2u4ycCHXo

Again, not one peep. I wonder how many of these fine citizens and protectors of children have a “I Support Our Troops” bumper sticker on their pickup truck.

So, after the 30 day death or castration is in place, and another child murder happens? What’s next, hanging, drawing and quartering? Burning at the stake, with a time on the rack before, just to make it more of a deterrent? If they think that kind of medieval justice was so effective in creating a safe and civil society, why don’t they go to North Korea, where similar violent punishments are part of standard operating procedure.

From the comments: “Our country violates the constitution regularly this is an ok example of doing so! Our country infringes on our constitutional rights …. Let’s infringe on these child predators. Do u really think too many people would mind?”

Unintentionally, I’m sure, she made the case for why we need the Government to set the example and obey it’s Constitution.

This case was about a murder. The law already provides for a death penalty or life in prison; that ought to be enough for anybody.
Prevention. I have noticed via the media that people who murder children tend to have a problem with mental illness. That is GOOD NEWS. Why?—–because you can screen people, in advance, for mental illness. Sex is not the issue here, mental illness is the issue: you can screen people for it and prevent crimes from taking place. Mental illness is also the problem in many, many of the mass shootings we hear about. By screening people for mental illness, esp. if these people have access to children or guns, you could prevent crimes and we would all be happier. Lets make
THIS the focus of any new law.

This was indeed a real tragic event, however, the man that stands accused this was a trusted school para-professional/coach, not a shadow lurking, trench coat wearing registered citizen. Once again, the point is proven that the greatest danger comes from those closer to and trusted by the children. We need just one more new law named after a murdered child…

This woman is an idiot! She acts as if murdering a child is currently legal and that we need to do something to outlaw it.

Let’s call it like it is…yet another person trying to make a name and celebrity of themselves by exploiting a horrific tragedy. These people disgust me as much as the person committing this murder. Just curious, who is the bigger monster in our society, the person committing such a heinous murder such as this, or the one exploiting this tragedy in hopes of harming thousands of individuals and families just to make a name for herself?

Reality check. This woman with her screwed up vision of justice got 5000 people to sign her petition in no time at all. After one month we could barely get a few handfuls of signatures for a repeal of the AWA. Who are the polititions more likely to notice? Of course, they are not going to look at the soundness of the arguments, but the number of potential votes.

I often wonder how the police or community leaders can get in front of the news cameras and talk about harsher new laws affecting sex offenders! First, with a national 1.3 percent recedivism, I’m confused. Furthermore, most people are unaware that many of these offenses are committed by First Time Offenders? So, the real question is why?


Simple answer…because they can, and people believe them. Tell the people a lie long enough and they’ll eventually believe it.
People are reluctant to believe “our” truths about recidivism, etc. because registered citizens are the devil incarnate to them. We can’t possibly be telling the truth because we’re such bad people and everyone knows that police never lie…