Dozens of registered sex offenders living in Suffolk County provided inaccurate addresses in the year since county lawmakers passed a law to intensify monitoring of the ex-convicts, and more than 140 others were found to have violated rules requiring them to update their photos on a state registry.
Laura Ahearn, executive director of Parents for Megan’s Law, contracted by the county last year to monitor more than 900 registered sex offenders, told lawmakers Thursday that the increased scrutiny has led to an increase in arrests for violating state reporting requirements.
“It’s not necessarily about arrests and convictions. It’s about ensuring that this [sex-offender] registry is what it’s supposed to be,” Ahearn said. “It’s supposed to be a tool for the community to use to protect themselves and their children.” Full Article
What makes this law so outrageous is that a large part of it is based on enacting legislation after the fact and now assigning a civilian body to enforce a fundamentally flawed law and practice. Why don’t they just bring back the stocks and anyone can go down and publicly humiliate these individuals even more? My statement
is outrageous as well but it only mirrors putting in a pie in the sky solution, then getting average rookies to enforce it. The constitution is in shambles.
I feel like I should write my representatives and convince them to write a law based on the assumption everyone is a sex offender and therefore everyone in the United States needs to be registered…
“It’s supposed to be a tool for the community to use to protect themselves and their children.”
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Parents for megans law takes the public’s money, this should make all their records, public record. people should be digging in to them to see what they can find.
I seem to recall when they set up this vigilante parent’s organization to “monitor” registrants, this is exactly the kind of crap that we all predicted would happen.
What oath to uphold the law did these vigilantes take?
There was an artical that was on youtube a crimilologist that was looking into how easy it is to fail to register. Commeon things is that it could take 1 to 2 months before the data is updated to the website. Second someone could have just fat fingered the information by just one letter or number, maybe on accident or on purpose, who knows. And lets not forget that in Chicago many many can’t register because the doors are open from 8am to 3pm but close there doors at 1pm and denie a lot people to register. And just like here in Utah can’t register as homeless. So if someone is let out can’t find a job and is homeless, they are in violation to the civil commitment with punishment 1st as a misdemeanor then a felony if still homeless, which IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, can’t punish just because of being poor. It makes me wonder if they go to door around 10am, probably the most inconvenient time of the day and say, “I didn’t see them so they must not be there.” Just like in the past NAME and SHAME hit lists have always been cruel and unusual punishment and this is no different than just harassment.