The Trial That Unleashed Hysteria Over Child Abuse

It has long been said, in varying language, that a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on. You do not have to reach back 200 years to Scotland to find enduring wisdom in that adage. You need return only to the 1980s and to the subject of this week’s Retro Report documentary video, part of a series re-examining news stories from the past. This week’s subject is the notorious McMartin Preschool abuse trial. Full Article

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I remember this. When the story first broke and I remember thinking “glad they were caught” for the first couple of day’s. As events unfolded and became more and more ridiculous, far fetched and just plain way out there I can remember doubting the whole case against the people we now know were the actual victims.

I can also remember recognizing that the press was fanning the flames with the most sensationalistic reporting I had ever witnessed in the twenty seven years I had been on this earth. The police were also doing their part in a real vigorous way. The agency that interviewed the children was every bit as irresponsible as the press and police. After seeing their methods of questioning the kids I am reminded of the story on this site “ One man’s fight to prove his innocence.” I am, in fact utterly amazed that the court didn’t throw the case out before it went to trial.

I’m, angry, sad, perturbed, incredulous and plain upset that this kind of insanity is still going on today and I am a victim of it. That the police and press can cause the wholesale inquisition that we have fallen victim to is unbelievable. The mere fact that our so called leaders have not learned anything from the Mac Martin case and have taken things, once again, so far outside the bounds of sanity is disheartening, to put it mildly. What makes it all worse is that we are victims of something that has been started by way of fear and panic, spiked with opportunism and the ever present cornerstone of their logic; ignorance. Fear and panic spiked with a healthy dose of ignorance is the absolute worse basis for any course of action, especially when it come’s to passing laws that affect people.

Most people will probably think I have lost my mind (aside from my fellow victims) when I say the laws we are forced and coerced to live under are bad because they;

1. don’t come anywhere near to doing what they are meant to do,
2. they get people murdered,
3. assaulted,
4. harm children,
5. break up families,
6. destroy careers,
7. have an adverse affect on property values,
8. have people living in unfounded fear (entire neighborhoods)
9. are not in line with the constitution,
10. are not in line with the bill of rights

If anyone can add to this list please feel free; I think it would be interesting to see how long it can get.