Australia: Palmer party sex offender bill rejected

A parliamentary committee has rejected a Palmer United Party bill which would have allowed police the power to enter and search the premises of sex offenders, amidst claims from a committee member the system is not doing its job. The Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee, chaired by LNP MP Ian Berry, rejected the bill Palmer MP Carl Judge had introduced to parliament, which would have increased police powers in regards to registered sex offenders. The committee had previously rejected a bill introduced by Katter MP Shane Knuth, which would…

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A Criminal Justice System in Crisis: Suspect Serial Killers Slip Through the Cracks in OC (Op-Ed)

In light of the recent arrests of two registered sex offenders in connection with four murders in Orange County, I’d like to share an article that I originally wrote a few months ago for OC Lawyer Magazine. The tragedy brings into focus the critical shortcomings of our state’s sex offender registry and the stress it puts on a criminal justice system already in crisis. As far as public policies goes, the laws regulating sex offenders are incredibly difficult to approach and reform, but we owe victims (and potential victims) a…

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