Now I know that for some people, sex crimes are worse than actual murder. I know there a contingent of people who believe that rapists and sex offenders should be punished as if they committed murder, including having the death penalty on the table as option. For them sex offenders, especially those who committed crimes against children, should never see the light of day again (Hi John and Ken). I get that. What I’m about to touch on isn’t for you because I know that for you no amount of common sense rationalization is going to ever move you from your position and I respect that—really I do. But for the rest of you…
I don’t want to live next door to a convicted rapist any more than you do. So I don’t blame the residents in Palmdale who are up in arms over a Santa Clara judge’s ruling that convicted serial rapist _____ ____, 62, better known as the “Pillowcase Rapist” can be released to a location in the unincorporated Palmdale area. But beyond the anger, disgust and just plain ick factor—where should ____ and others like him live after they’ve served their time and are deemed fit for parole? Full Op-Ed Piece
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