OK: Bill Would Ban Sex Offenders from State Parks

The House of Representatives approved a legislation today which would prohibit sex offenders from entering state parks in Oklahoma. This includes aggravated sex offenders and habitual sex offenders. Aggravated sex offenders are those who committed a crime against a child and habitual offenders are those who have committed more than one sex crime.

The presenter of the bill, State Representative Josh Cockroft, said “we have to continually tweak sex offender laws to ensure that there are no loopholes that allow them access to public places frequented by children. Protecting our children should be top priority.” Full Articles

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This the most absurd things I have read, you think if someone wanted to rob a store you are going to stop him from going in the store and try or no one was able to stop the guy who shot all those people in the movie theater, if they make those law’s then they will pass a law that got voted down in Al. about castrating them before they come out of prison, or just take them out and shoot them, WOW people really think that these are way’s to curb all of this, if that were true then why don’t they get rid of A.A. and N.A. and put them under the same rules…….why? BECAUSE IT DOES NOT WORK, a drug addict or alcoholic will find away to get high or drunk, you must start with the person. What about stores kids go there or restuarants or neiborhoods, the reason they don’t do this yet is because either they can’t completely uphold it or somebody else wants to get elected.

I think Josh Cockroft needs to have his brain tweaked with a constitutional healing machines as well as do hundreds of other law makers who are simply living the “ignorance is bliss” version of reality.

I have dealt with the absurd laws in Oklahoma, as well as the absurd legislators in my state. I will be emailing this absurd man – again!

“June 2013- Restrictions imposed upon registered sex offenders are in fact punitive and not administrative. Also in the ruling the court stated that any retroactive application of laws including re-classifications and prolonging their required time to remain a registered offender are all unconstitutional.”
Ms. Bellucci – what does the first line exactly mean? The Oklahoma Supreme Court made this ruling last summer. We need you in Oklahoma!