Revolt over school’s honor for sex offender folk icon

Folk singer and convicted sex offender ____ _____ will be honored by La Guardia HS for the Performing Arts next month, enraging parents and prompting a dozen “uncomfortable” students to refuse to sing for him. Full Article

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This guy is an instrumental part of recent American Culture. He committed an offense over 40 years ago and none since. The offense was not shocking for the time and is not shocking in many parts of the developed world today. He received a Pardon from the President of the United States over 30 years ago.

Let face it… There. Is. No. Redemption.

Why can’t people just move on and forgive and forget. Holding grudges for that long does nothing and is not healthy. It was 40 years ago, and I completely agree that this offense is not seen as shocking in many other countries, countries we could maybe learn from? It is not up to us to pass judgement. There is just too much hate for my taste, and all that hate stems from years of misleading and incorrect information, and these people just follow like puppets, incapable of forming their own opinions.

Wrong place, wrong time.

The Georgia age of consent was 14 until 1995, when a bill proposed by state Senator Steve Langford to make 16 the age of consent passed.

Fortunately, Jimmy Carter was from Georgia.

What a bunch of unforgiving butt heads.

What would have been the response if Obama pardoned him yesterday?

Or how would they react if Mike Tyson were to come and give a boxing clinic, or Lawrence Taylor was signed to coach the football team?

BTW – I was happy to see the school does not seem to give a rat’s behind about the protestations of the sanctimonious few and features the event on their school home page and Facebook page.

Just for fun. Google “age of consent in Europe”. It appears that the typical age is 14, with some countries ranging from 13 to 18, but the majority being in the 14 year age range. That sounds more reasonable, and I don’t see nearly as many problems in Europe. Maybe, the education is better? Just saying.

It’s a shame indeed, 1970 for gosh sakes! Ignorant people will never check facts, that might take some mental effort. My opinion, but I’m thinking it’s the pseudo-fundamentalists and religious-for-convenience politicians that perpetuate the lies and laws so they’ll retain power.Hypocrisy has always been a norm in churches and politics and both like to set a vocal example, not a life example. The really sad part is that so many are quick to follow convincing words rather than a convincing lifestyles. Used to be that part of being American was that we were a forgiving nation, but now it’s so different. I’m glad that my forgiveness is not conditional; I ask, I change, it’s over. That is all that really matters, being able to go to bed each night with a clear conscience and clean heart. Sorry for rambling my friends.

One day at a time….I think you are right. America has a fear of sexuality. But, that is where the hypocrisy starts. Female Teenagers in America are dolled up to look years older, and the parents seem to be ok with that. They are the ones sending them off to Prom to look like (excuse my language)…hookers. Yet, they are the first ones to cry out to protect the children. Commercials show provocative females eating burgers, driving cars, etc. Afraid of sexuality? Then don’t promote it. You can’t have it both ways. Either be open to sexuality and educate or stay away from it altogether. Make up your mind America!