When sex-offender laws promote more crimes

National City has become the latest California city to face a lawsuit from a registered San Luis Obispo County sex offender over its sex-offender regulations. _____ ____, 61, of Grover Beach, contends such local ordinances are superseded by Jessica’s Law, the 2006 measure adopted by California voters. Full Article

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When a man is charged with a sex crime it’s usually a slam-dunk for the DA’s office. Why is that? I was told by an attorney that these kind of charges due to their nature puts the burden of proof (not by law but by application) on the defense not the prosecution. In these type of cases you are guilty until proving yourself innocent. Ever try to prove a negative? Can’t be done. Whether the guy is innocent or not he will be found guilty. That’s not how it’s suppose to work, but with anything sex relayed all normal standards go flying out the window. In many cases it is argued that there is no evidence. In most other type cases (non-sex related) the DA’s office will not take the case because the burden of proof is on them, but because it’s sexual in nature they’re pretty sure of a win. If the guy did it he should be slammed, but many times no one knows the truth because there is no evidence. It truly is a he said she said situation! The reasonable doubt should go to the defendant, but it won’t. Those deciding usually side against the defendant on the off-chance that he might have done the crime no matter how slight the evidence may be. Justice rarely in these cases go toward the accused, The sad thing is 80% of society is somehow okay with that. Even churches side with damnation over redemption for a registered sex offender that has done his probation, therapy and time served. The existence of the sex offender registry is a slap in the face of God. Abortion of babies the church will stand up and scream but abortion from society of citizens that have paid their debt they say nothing. The sex offender registry is a Living Death it is Evil and it is Wrong. If someone is so bad they have to be put on an online hit-list like the registry why are they even amongst us? The registrant is the politican’s new whipping boy for votes. TRUTH

Oh my God, that Valerie Parkhurst woman, what is wrong with her? For those that haven’t read the comments on that article, that woman is attacking my wife and anyone else who posts a positive comment. Repeatedly calling RSOL “the new nambla”. It’s seriously disgusting.

Now she’s saying that my part in RSOL is to teach all of the other members how to circumvent compliance laws. For the record, here’s how you do it, YOU FOLLOW THE LAWS AND COMPLY WITH PEACE OFFICERS!!!!!!! Fight for your rights in legal ways, but stay out of trouble in the meantime. It’s much harder to “fight the fight” when you are behind bars.

There, that’s my secret, don’t circumvent laws, follow them. The end!

PS. sorry, I just felt the need to blow off a little steam and I can’t even reply on the UT comments because I don’t have a facebook account (you know, because RSOs aren’t allowed to!)

Just a thought, I can’t help but wonder if sex offender laws and the oppression the two in Anaheim went through on parole led to them committing their new crimes.

Reading those comments below the article was pretty intense! A whole lotta hatin goin on by one in particular. Hard to read some of the vicious remarks. All I could hear was “don’t confuse me with facts, my mind is made up!” True ignorance knows no bounds…

Valerie Parkhurst is a troll. She is from Florida, and you will see her comments in almost every newspaper in the states. Apparently she is a very mentally disturbed, demented, angry woman. She had been around for years.