International Megan’s Law passes House of Representatives

WASHINGTON — The United States House of Representatives passed legislation Tuesday aimed at protecting children from roving convicted sexual predators who travel abroad.

The International Megan’s Law, H.R. 4573, which was authored by Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-4), establishes a model framework for international law enforcement notifications when convicted child-sex offenders who pose a danger to children arrive in a destination country. Full Article

H.R. 4573

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Another feel good act based on hearsay, not science. The GAO report is a joke. It didn’t even attempt to prove a link between human trafficking and registrant travel. In fact, it tended to show just the opposite. They have proven they care diddly squat about human rights, both for adults and children, just as they can care less about the planet going to hell, which according to our own military is the main cause of strife, poverty, the displacement of people’s lives and consequently the suffering of children.

The broke part is our judicial system. It is there the problem come to a clog. We need to somehow hold them accountable to their oath of office. We need a means to check the check and balance system of government. An oversight of our oversight. I use to think well it won’t be constitutional and the courts will step in but not so any more. This is a tragic hole in our country’s bucket. I hear from the clergy that these are the consequences. That seems to be their big argument for doing nothing. We just need to shout truth louder and more frequent.

Trampling on citizens rights to freedom of association. Persons who have been convicted in the past are not person that pose a high risk to re-offend. 97% of all new sex offences are from people who have never previously been convicted of a sex offence. Beware ALL US citizens on how the government is eroding your constitutional rights. Tracking and Residency restrictions promote a false sense of security for the community. Take Notice! Any government that has the power to improve your life can also destroy it. Stop the hype and the erosion of Citizens rights. These people have served their time. I am not justifying or discounting the damage that these people have done. A murderer who took a persons life is not tracked in any way. Even if a child was murdered. When will the punishment and the hysteria stop?

Once again the slimeballs masquerading as honorable and upright completely ignore the facts/truth.

Yet another act of sheer stupidity by the U.S. government…

As long as politicians are able to lie to the public about the alleged dangers of “sex offenders,” this madness will not come to an end. They will continue to exploit for their own gain as long as the voters allow them to do so.

And to the U.S. House of Representatives…Can someone explain to me why someone who was arrested for indecent exposure for urinating in public is so dangerous that now other countries must be notified if he chooses to go there on vacation? How about this, what if the person convicted of urinating in public is visiting a country such as the Philippines or India where men urinating on the side of buildings or just on the side of the road is commonplace and not illegal? What is it about this man that you consider so dangerous to these countries that you feel the need to warn them about his intended visit?

Out of curiosity…

Can there be any way that CA RSOL can challenge this law in federal court once Obama signs the bill?

Until people organize it isn’t going to get any better. How many of you reach out to other RSO’s to tell them about this website ? Buy 1 stamp and mail the web address to someone on the registry. it’s a start and you’ll feel better for not just sitting around helpless.

No good

We can assume that murders and drug dealers will also have their records sent to and a red alert sent to the country they have purchased a ticket to visit. Right?

After someone has paid the debt to society (a bullshit concept and sound bite) then it’s over…everyone gets a second chance…except sex offenders.

America is so scared of the world sex!

This is a violation of a human right of travel. They can not do this. I am ready to fight this all the way to the supreme court (unless I can manage to get out of the country first and then forget it). I don’t really care about or respect the laws of this country.

They are man made laws…and they are not real. I refuse to play by the rules put into place by liars and thieves.

My country is fighting against me so I have NO CHOICE but to protect myself and FIGHT BACK.

Janice I am perfectly willing to be part of a suit against this.

As far as can tell the provisions of this bill have already been put into action with the exception maybe of the U.S. providing financial aide to other countries to give us their meager lists of registrants. It sounds like we are going to start offering byrne grants to other countries like congress offered to our states for enacting the AWA? Most civilized countries don’t repeatedly punish their citizens who’ve been convicted of a sex offense. I’m sure they’ll be happy to take our money, but I doubt we’ll receive the reciprocal effort we’re expecting (Like the AWA). The first line says it all: “To Protect Children” and that’s all politicians need to hear to cast a ‘yea’ vote or face the consequences of being reported as a baby rapists sympathizer/apologist during their next campaign.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t they voting for something that’s already been put in motion?

I think this STILL has to PASS the SENATE first before going to THE PRESIDENT to be signed into LAW……….. That right ? thx 🙂

No offense, but I plead to a battery (18 years ago) and it is so difficult to travel internationally. Im harassed each time I come into LA (charged expunged years ago).They TSA doesn’t even know what to say. Hmm, should we check his bags? I’m very professional, but the guys act like thugs and its very embarrassing. This is terrible.

I never did understand why Megan’s Law, in any place, does not have to do with murderers of children. I dare say 99.9+% of people here have nothing, zero in common with that man or his crime.

I also wonder if all the good upstanding American Citizens who support a law like this ever stop to think what happens when they go to their local WalMart and delight with the prospect of $8 Jeans or $4 shirts and such. Just where do these ‘bargains’ come from? Would it be rude to point out that these products breed conditions in which poor (brown) people and children are susceptible to the commercial sex business?

Sure, save the children, but not if I have to go without my cheap crap or if it costs me a penny for paying decent prices for wages that actually support a decent life.

The homework will never be done by the authorities because the honest facts will expose their hyperbole, abuse of ex post facto laws, and many other basic human rights that these emotional and reactionary laws trample on. Repeating ad nauseum: “these laws protect politicians, lawmakers and public officials”. That is what they are about.
To add insult to injury, it is an election year and they don’t even try to hide the fact anymore that any consideration of constitutional rights of registrants aren’t even mentioned in fear of jeopardizing party politics.
And the judiciary is falling on its face by playing politics – completely not their role in checks and balances.

The headline should read “… Flaw Passes Congress”

Could someone enlighten me as to where the Supreme Court is on our rights or is that old news I’m not aware of. I can’t believe if was ever to reach that level these laws could stand. O r am I just naive and ill informed……ANYONE?????

Even though all these countries hate, really HATE the United States of Amerika, the really lover, love, love our dollars! Seems the good ole USA can bribe any country into agreement/compliance. What is interesting about the Philippines rolling over for the US is that the US is heading back to inhabit some or one of the previously abandoned military bases. More money for the Philippine gov’t and a shot in the arm for the local prostitutes too! I’m guessing, but I believe that the US is supplying all sorts of spy and intrusive crap to the Philippine gov’t so it can become like the US wants it to become. The new border crossing at San Ysidro aka San Yaskidrow has state of the art systems just like on the US side, and I’m very, very sure it was Amerikan tax dollars that paid for that one too.

This paper was written about the International Megan’s Law of 2010 and it points out faults in that law:

I wonder how different this bill is from what was proposed in 2010?