MO: My Son, the Sex Offender: One Mother’s Mission to Fight the Law

In the run up to Halloween one year, Sharie Keil saw something that really made her jump: Missouri governor Jay Nixon, then the attorney general.

He was on television to announce that registered sex offenders were hereby banned from participating in her favorite holiday. On threat of a year in jail, they had to stay inside and display a sign saying they had no candy. The goal was “to protect our children,” as Nixon put it, but Keil heard only a peal of political hysteria. Full Article

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I saw this article this morning and that’s how I learned about RSOL and eventually found this site today. I found the article hopeful as I had no idea there were actually people out there willing to stand up against the registry laws. It’s hard. Thank you to all of you who are part of these efforts!

Anyone know of any RSOL groups in Southern California?

Haha, E, you’re looking at it. Welcome! CA RSOL is the RSOL affilate for RSOL National. This is a very active, dynamic group, led by Janice Bellucci to bring some sense and fairness to California. Glad you found us.

Dave in the Philippines

This is a good article and I salute Shari keli. Her’s is a powerful story and the fact that it’s on such a lame stream site is encouraging. The article says her organization is loosely organized under RSOL and called our victories a “steady patter” of legal victories; apparently the author hasn’t heard of Janice Bellucci and the SMASHING VICTORIES we have experienced here in California and are being blessed with because of her efforts, one step at a time. I feel I must also mention everyone that assists her and every one that has taken up the cause, like Frank and Chance.

There’s allot of truth in what Shari Keli say’s; heck! It’s all true and all of what she says is true for adult registrant’s too. I just wish she would tailor her strategy to be against the registry period, not just juvenile’s on the registry. She says “we need to forget everything we think we know about sex offenders, because 20 years research has shown us it’s all pretty much wrong.” This is so true and I wish America would wake up! Elizabeth Letourneau PhD director of the center for the prevention of child abuse At John Hopkins calls these policies a “failed policy.” It seems more and more people from reputable agencies are speaking out against the registry. The tide is indeed turning. 🙂

This article is AWESOME!!! I’ve personally met with Sharie. She is the real deal. She’s a strong, strong person, and I KNOW she will not let the actions of Missouri Governor Jay “Fascist Scumbag” Nixon slow her down let alone stop her. I’m beyond shocked (in a GOOD way) that an article this good could come from NBC. Maybe low ratings can cause change for the better. God speed, Sharie!!!!

Can someone please tell me the registration requirements for Missouri. I would like to fly to St. Louis and watch my favorite team (the Rams) and stay 2-3 days. Would I have to register to do this?