A suburban county on Long Island, N.Y., is taking a novel approach to monitoring sex offenders: It’s giving the job to a victims’ advocacy group.
The measure was approved unanimously earlier this year; lawmakers call it a cost-effective way to keep citizens safe. But a local lawyer calls it a “vigilante exercise,” and convicted sex offenders are organizing to challenge the legislation. Full Article
$1 million to a non profit Parents for Megan’s Law? What???
This is a lawsuit just waiting to happen. Bigtime.
I would plain refuse entry onto my PROPERTY and invoke a trespassing warning on them, to be blunt, if I were a NY registrant. I cannot see how the state can outsource this function to a non-licensed, non-LE-certified agency in the first place.
Full disclosure: I did not click on the link and read the rest of the article. The little bit shown here was enough to convince me to respond.
What the f¥<£ is wrong with everyone who thought this was a good idea? A victim advocacy group in charge of tracking predators (used only for lack of a better word), how insane can people get? On a small scale this is the same as telling the friend or family member of someone who was murdered that he or she gets to take on the job of keeping the killer locked away from society. Nothing good has ever come from putting a non neutral individual or group in charge of something they have a major stake in.
Oh and what happens when a registrant goes to check in and comes face to face with a person who claimed to be one of their victims? I mean it is a victim advocacy group so at some point it's possible that a victim could show up at the office and encounter the person they claimed victimized them. The issues with this idea are far too many and lawsuits are just the tip of the iceberg regarding all the bad that could arise.