Transient sex offenders proving difficult to monitor

Law enforcement in Kern County is finding it increasingly difficult to keep track of registered sex offenders. A growing number of them are joining the ranks of the homeless and are listed as transients.

“When you have a sex offender who is a transient, you don’t know where they are,” said Kern County sheriff’s Detective Randall Meyer with the Sexual Abuse and Assault Investigative Unit. Full Article

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Made possible by George Runner and the scared sheeple of California!

It has been proven time and time again, this doesn’t help because I believe the tracking system only works on people that have a “home base”. Many times, I have seen people’s lives made a living Hell because they had to leave their base for an emergency and their PO was alerted. Why do we only track sex offenders!?!? Their TRUE reoffense rate is so minimal compared to hang members, murderers, robbers, etc…. good grief!!!!

Duhhhh! These stupid lawmakers! What did they expect? You force someone out of their home or place of residence, take away their jobs, make it nearly impossible to make a living, strip what little dignity is left and then expect things to be easy for themselves? Calling the lawmakers idiots would be a compliment…

Just another self imposed crisis created by the government.

Their logic seems to be like the man with a headache who beats his self on the foot with a hammer so he won’t feel the headache.

Hey, hitting oneself with a hammer works! It makes me forget about being a RSO. Try it. I hate the bad Registered Citizens dreams I have. I LOVE YOU Janice for the hope you provide for us all. You are our only hope.

Rejection by it’s nature leads to chaos. We need to address the root cause of the motivation behind the existence of a registry…parents are out of control of their children and their own time is taken up by work and the world’s mary-go-round. The panacea they use as a fit-all is the sex offender registry. It is like putting a band-aid on a broken Dike/Dam! It actually makes the situation worst because the attention is taken off the real problem. TRUTH

It is good to read that there are others who have something to say about these draconian restrictions placed on registrants. Every politician should wear one of these GPS units for a month in order to truly understand the impact. Now, go try and find a shelter who can or will accept them, take public transportation to watch the looks on people’s faces when they see a GPS unit attached to their ankle, and then try and figure out what who or what company would even consider hiring an ex-felon with a GPS device attached. Sad part is, most politicians would probably be arrested within days if the public knew every move they made.