RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Sex-offender ordinance to be repealed

Riverside County is poised to do away with an ordinance that sets rules on where sex offenders can live or visit in an effort to avoid a lawsuit.

The county established sex-offender residency and loitering prohibitions for unincorporated areas in 2010, but the Board of Supervisors gave preliminary approval last week to repeal the law because an appeal court has invalidated similar ordinances in other municipalities. Full Article

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Steve and everyone else; I looked for this in comments and I could not find it so I’m posting this here.

It’s clear and obvious you have your facts skewered, and thus your conclusions of registrants and what is happening is wrong. Janice Bellucci; a true American, is currently asking cities and counties to comply with state law. I take offense to your use of the word “freaks” and think you should lose that view of people on the registry because tomorrow you too could be forced to comply with the illegal registry and all the accompanying unconstitutional laws facilitated by the registry.

If you don’t believe me perhaps you should consider these questions;

(1) Have you ever gone pee anywhere other a bathroom with the door closed?
(2) Have you ever flashed or streaked at a sporting event, concert, or anywhere?
(3) Have you ever tried to instigate intimate relations with someone who was not receptive to your advances?
(4) Have you ever accidentally clicked on a link you did not intend to click on?
(5) Have you ever placed your arm around a minor (including your own children) or otherwise touched someone who is underage in any way, shape, or form?
(6) Have you ever complemented or whistled at a female, either adult or minor?
(7) If you have children have you ever given them a bath and out of necessity washed their private parts?
(8) Have you ever been at a party and became a little tipsy and slapped someones backside.

If you can answer yes to any of these questions; and there are too many to list, then you are a “freak.” You are a “sex offender” that hasn’t been caught yet. And many of the most basic of human rights should not apply to you because you are an incurable threat to everyone and always be for the rest of your life. It won’t matter if your children s lives are destroyed because you are a “freak”. It won’t matter if you and your family become homeless and hungry because they all deserve this because you are a “freak.” Your civil rights will become virtually non existent; and rightly so, because you are a “freak.” Your name and most other personal information will be public and you will be treated worse than a black man in the 30s because you are a “freak” and deserve it. It will be OK when your children are made social outcasts, ridiculed and bullied, because you are a “freak.” It will be OK when your wife, parents and anyone else close to you is shunned and harassed because you are a “freak.”

So, “freak.” Get a life and go away.

Am I reading this right? The article says

“poised to do away with an ordinance that sets rules on where sex offenders can live or visit.”

If the county is going to do away with residency restrictions in the unincorporated areas I would have to consider this progress and a good sign for individual cities to follow suit and eventually get rid of residency restrictions.

Exactly ‘B’….been saying on the best of Brubaker that they couldn’t put free people to lifetime parole conditions and double jeopardy …it is the same key that rights a wrong.


More misinformation. Exactly what state law prohibits me from being within 2,000 feet of a school or park?