Mexico: 53 denied entry in PV for pedophilia records

Immigration authorities in Puerto Vallarta turned away 53 foreign visitors between January and July when it was found they had a criminal record for acts of pedophilia.

The National Immigration Institute (INM) began implementing a program call Angel Guardian in December of last year. Anyone entering the country who has a record for pederasty is denied entry. Full Article

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It’s always been my dream to visit my family’s home country of Sicily and Italy. It now appears that will never happen. I am essentially confined against my will, to a country i am growing more hatred for each and every day our government tightens it’s control on the people.

This tax-payer funded “list” shared with other countries needs to be considered unconstitutional as it limits our freedom of movement.

How are you going to know , where you can go for sure , until you arrive there on a plane , and hope they let you off. Effectivly stopping me from going .

So, are they only stopping individuals with child related cases? I had a battery charge (expunged/masseuse). I was allowed to visit Canada on several occasions? I’ve visited Costa Rica, Canada, Dominican Republic and Hawaii/lol. I’ve also visited the Philippines several times, but thats before the ban was instituted. No offense, but I could probably hand the customs officer my passport with a $20 and go right in. This is really dumb! 18-20 years after, no offenses prior/after and summary probation? So, I think its time for California to institute a Tier system where people can move on with their lives!

How exactly does Mexico define “acts of pedophilia” given that their age of consent is 12? Do they use the true, clinical definition of the word? Or do they use the watered-down and distorted American Media definition?

What is the age of consent in Mexico? I thought it was 12 years of age!

I am half Mexican, my mother was born in Mexico City. She became a naturalized citizen some time after marrying my father. As I understand it I automatically qualify for ‘dual citizenship’. All I have to do is present my birth cert and my mother’s birth cert and they give you a card that allows you to live, work and buy property in Mexico. In my mind this has been my fall back in case things don’t get better here, but this article has me wondering. These people are all entering on passports…..would I encounter the same problems?

Any input on this?

@ sotired…

Maybe a trip to your nearest Mexican Consulate with that information in hand is a great start to a good backup plan. Get your Mexican citizenship card and kind of see what happens. Would be interesting.

So if a 20 year old man in California has sex with a girl who is 17 and will be 18 a week after they have sex, he has committed a sex crime and goes to jail because their birthdays just happen to be a little over the 24 month “dating” age difference allowed and she has not yet reached the age of consent in California. In New York, the age of consent is 16, so their act would not have been a crime at all, nor in Mexico where the age of consent is 12(on a federal level, up to 15 in most Mexican states). Yet, now in Mexico, this young man would be barred from entering the country for an act that would be completely legal in Mexico. This is ridiculous, our neighbors to the south have been drinking too much kool-aid.

Guardian Angel Program Prevents Sex Offenders any all RSO from Entering Mexico. Our government sends Geen Notice to Interpol what states “traveling sex offender”
Than all RSO are immediately blacklisted by the Mexican customs and immigration department.
If you truly want or need to go to Mexico find yourself a good Mexican immigration attorney ,if you have the money and go to court and fight it. This is all new territory it’ll probably take over year.