MO: No place for sex offenders to go

Ol’ Chaplain Farris Robertson is at it again — housing multiple registered sex offenders in a residential Springfield neighborhood despite a city order to vacate. Attorneys with the city of Springfield, busy defending the city’s position in federal court, have decided to leave the residents of 1809 E. Crestview St. alone, for now.

City officials are hopeful a court hearing, expected in early September, will put an end to the discussion and finally force the residents to disband. The city says, among other complaints, that far too many of the residents are on probation or parole. Full Article

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“All that being said, it is difficult not to sympathize with the neighborhood. Even Hamilton acknowledged she would prefer not having a house full of sex offenders in her neighborhood.”
This is after Hamilton reported the fact that the re-offense rate is 2% and that Robertson is providing a needed service.
This type of schism is part of the problem. Experts shouldn’t feel they have to relate to the ignorant masses in the face of facts, as if everyone has to appease the masses with their pitch forks and torches. It’s not professional to say the least.

Does anyone who lives in Missouri know the laws there about someone moving there? I’m in California, guilty of having a relationship with my 15 yo gf when I was 19, and my 16/17 yo gf when I was 20/21. I know Missouri law says that’s ok there. So would I be guilty of any crime there? Would I have still have to register for something that’s not illegal there?

To: sadandmad. Sounds like you’re State shopping. Here are some things to do for yourself:

First…goggle “klasskids/Megan’s law. You’ll see an excellent list of registration requirements by State for all 50 States. And they keep it current. Pick your State. They even give phone numbers who to call. I’ve called many of these numbers over the years, and they really do help you; mostly…

Second….goggle “sex offender research” They’re part of eadvocate. Now they haven’t added anything since mid February, which is ominous for such a great website. But Google anyway. Then on the right hand side go down to “news articles by State” and pick one. You’ll get State-specific sex offender info all the way back to 2008 !

Third…Whoa! You picked an AWA/SORNA State.. Missouri is one the 17 States. Soo..Goggle “smart/SORNA.” You’ll immediately see “substantial implementation reports” Pick Missouri. And explore the 15 categories a little bit.

To: sadandmad.. I did more checking. Question: are you saying you are registered in California for a crime that in Missouri that is not a registrable crime. I’ve seen that kind of interstate maneuvering before. It is a ploy that States are wise to. I think the way they’ll get you is the fact that in your State of conviction you have to register, and they won’t split hairs on equivalent registrable laws.

Sadandmad who did u call in nevada?

Hey sadandmad: You are starting to do some good homework that tells me your are trying ! Next step: I want you to join SOSEN. Look them up on their site and apply. You will then get a phone call for an interview by one of their senior members. Do it. You are on your way. But don’t forget CA RSOL; what is done here is pioneering work that will change America !!