VA: 1 out of every 148 Adult Males in Virginia is a Registered Sex Offender

The 2015 Report from Virginia State Police on the Monitoring of Sex Offenders Required to Comply with the Registry – We’ve Exceeded 21,300 RSO’s AND As of November 2014 1 out of every 148 Adult Males in Virginia is a Registered Sex Offender Full Article

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mawhhahhahaa *evil laugh* hopefully soon it’ll reach critical mass where ever 1 out of 2 is a register sex offender…
With the new laws and complete stupidity it may come to the point where masterbation is going to be completely illegal and a violent act..

Not surprising if the registry is for life. Pretty soon it will be 1 out of every 1 is a registered SO since more people get added every day, nobody leaves the registry, and the type of offenses that qualify as SO offenses are ever increasing……good job to keep everyone safe (sarcasm).

“One in every three black males born today can expect to go to prison at some point in their life, compared with one in every six Latino males, and one in every 17 white males,” These are among the many pieces of evidence cited by the Sentencing Project in 10/2013.

This is absurd of course! Rape someone, sexually torture someone (without consent that is) then fine…punish away and unless the person is shown to be a habitual predator then once they pay the price it is paid – let them move on.

I don’t know a single guy in the world who could NOT be placed on this STUPID list in it’s present form. Every guy is a “sex offender” somewhere from pissing in an alley, mooning someone in a public park, and so much more BUT are those really sex offenders – the clear answer is NO.

I believe this number is approximately the same for California males on Registry. It really is becoming absurd! I wonder if the cops who do compliance checks are themselves on the Registry ! LOL!
BTW, Bluewall, in olden days, masturbation was referred to as “self abuse”, so yeah, let’s add it to the unending list of S.O.s!

On a serious note, a more liberal jurist has been nominated to replace CA Supreme Court Justice Baxter who retires early next month. Hopefully, we could get some rational relief in future legal cases.

I have a hard time believing that statistic. I don’t know what kind of awareness this will spawn, but likely that shortly thereafter a bottom feeding politician will morph and statistic into campaigns that will help their election, re-election or otherwise feed off the state dole as a career criminal – Oops; I meant to say Career Politician!

While I’m caught up in all this internet sex sting stuff I know its wrong as there is no bases in all this. Even the logic thinking of these stings is not even there.
These stings are suppose to protect teenagers. Now common sense says if police are going to protect teenagers they should set up there operations in teenage chat rooms as that is who they are suppose to be protecting.
There is only one reason that an adult would go into a teenage chat room. It really makes no sense when people are put on the registry for the rest of there life’s after doing there time or probation or what have you. While sex is a hot subject there are many not only in Virginia but all over the USA getting entangled in all this. I would think there are more on the registry than those that had actual victims or pretty close.