Congress Reschedules HR 515 Vote for February 1 [updated with media]

The U.S. House of Representatives has rescheduled its vote on HR 515, International Megan’s Law, for Monday, February 1. As originally scheduled, the vote will be under a “suspension of the rules” and therefore debate will be limited to no more than 40 minutes and require a 2/3 vote of those present regardless of how many members are in attendance.

“There is still time to send E-mails this weekend and to make phone calls on Monday,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “The vote on this and seven other bills is not scheduled to begin until 6:30 p.m. (Eastern).”

A list of all bills to be considered under “suspension of the rules” follows below. According to Congressional rules, this type of consideration is limited to bills that are noncontroversial.

“Under a ‘suspension of the rules’, a small number of Congressional members can pass a bill by voice vote and there is no record of who has voted in support of that bill,” stated Bellucci. “Use of this method for HR 515 is a cowardly act.”

Please call the offices of House Speaker Paul Ryan at (202) 225-0600 and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy at (202) 225-4000 to let them know that HR 515 is controversial because it would require, for the first time in the nation’s history, “unique identifiers” to be added to the passports of American citizens. Bill Senate Amendments Dec 17

========= (Rep. Chris Smith) (Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Rep. Cramer, ND

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I have been in contact with Edward Hasbrouck, author of “Papers Please!” and with a blog of the same name which deals entirely with the rights of travellers vis-a-vis Homeland Security and other government regulations to limit and track the movement of individuals. He is also active on Twitter which has proven to be a very good way of keeping those interested in this issue apprised of IML’s progress.

He just wrote this piece:

There is now an article on Reason Magazine about IML by Elizabeth Nolan Brown.

It might want to have its own page.

Pk, many folks on this CA RSOL website are “Registered Citizens”. Facebook does not permit Registered Citizens to have Facebook pages. Furthermore, one of Facebook’s executives, Chris Kelly, is an arch enemy to Registered Citizens, using his millions of dollars to buy politicians and to sponsor legislation that continues to heap more and more punishment on us. Kelly is like a dangerous, rabid dog to Registered Citizens.
Facebook is NOT our friend.
Fill it out – we need 100,000 people but who knows … we can def try

“Let’s not forget Mitch McConnell. Wasn’t he the politician that added the passport “unique identifier” amendment to this bill?”

No that was Corker who took time away from his immigrant bashing to do the unique identifier marking.