TX: On the cost-benefit analysis of enforcing sex-offender registry conditions vs. investigating violent crime

Dallas PD has shut down its monitoring unit charged with driving around to make home checks for people on the sex-offender registry, reported WFAA’s Tanya Eiserer in somewhat breathless tones. The story quickly devolved into Chief David Brown’s critics taking pot shots at him for being soft on sex offenders, or whatever. Full Article

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Janice’s Journal: It’s Over, But It’s Not Over

It’s over, but it’s not over.  What do I mean?  The hearing for the Preliminary Injunction requested in the International Megan’s Law (IML) case is over.  However, our challenge to the IML case is not over.  In fact, it has just begun. It is always difficult to argue a motion in federal court.  No matter how well you prepare, the judge can and does ask questions for which you are not quite ready.  For example, in this week’s hearing the judge asked a question about the use of a passport. …

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