Number of Registered Citizens increasing at record rate

Florida sex offender registry: double-digit growth

More than a dozen people a day walk into the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and register as sex offenders. The county is home to more than 2,200 of them.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office has a dozen people on staff — including four detectives – who do nothing but register and track sex offenders, who are required by law to register. Full Article

N.Y. sex offender numbers outstrip nation’s

New York state’s number of registered sex offenders has exploded over the past decade, ballooning almost 60 percent — more than two times the national growth of the number of sex offenders on public registries. Full Article

Sexual Predator Population Explosion In Falls This Year

The number of registered sex offenders living in Niagara Falls has taken a sharp spike in 2016, shooting up from 164 in December 2015 to 190 this week. Full Article

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When new laws are created or changed to add more and more people to the registry, this is the effect.

this is great, wish the numbers would grow faster. as numbers climb more people wake up.

Agree with I Can’t Wait to Die. At some point in time, the numbers of registered citizens will catch up with “humanity”. With a huge number of registrants and their supporters (family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, etc), we will hopefully ease the witch hunts and revoke the registry. in the meantime, we have to continue fighting and educating.

Its good to see it is costing counties/states a LOT of $$ the more the better ! Then maybe someday they will wake up and realize…less $$ in the budget to do stuff THEY want to do… new cop cars, more staff etc.

LOL! When 50% of law enforcement budgets start going to Registry-related activities, including residency compliance checks, then people will start paying attention. We’re getting there folks!

Janice I need your help ive been slandered an harassed on a facbook post , to all my facebook friends by my ex girlfriend of 7 years , since may 6 , ibe tried to report an have facebook take down , with no luck ive also talked to my local police,,no results still there on social media what can I we do????? HELP IM A 290 REGISTRANT
Now hook this dude to registry he so supported to lifetime and prison time. And hopefully lifetime civil commitment as he so supported the use on others.
So it was written…. So it shall be done.