NY: Senate passes “terrorist registry” bill

The State of NY may soon have a “terrorist registry” much like the sex offender registry.

Their Senate, yesterday, passed legislation that would create a list of people convicted of terrorism and post their information publicly, so that the community and law enforcement can be aware of “somebody in their community that has been convicted of terrorism who still may be a threat to the safety and security of Americans” Full Article

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This is such a bad idea. The citizens of this country choose to give up their personal freedoms one law at a time. Purchasing perceived safety with freedom is a high price.

Maybe this is what we have been hoping for. When the terrorists and wife beaters, with “Brittany’s Law”, will find out what this is all about with registries.
When the lawsuits start flying for this useless couple of new registries in New York,
the true facts may finally begin to surface.

All of the lies that have kept the SOR alive may finally come to light.

And N.Y. is one of the most “Liberal” states in the country. We can’t keep blaming the Republicans and Right Wing fanatics for all of these useless laws.


America is a doomed country and those privacy rights have been gone since 2001 and will never return. The only thing will be more surveillance and more lists to further divide the population.

“Oh…he’s on a list” soon will be a phrase whispered about almost everyone!

Gay, sex offender, muslim, jew, gang member, republican.

Such a poor conceived idea. Another fix all plan that does nothing to solve anything.

This has NOT been made into a Law. Neither is Brittany’s Law. They never and will never pass the ny state assembly.
“Driscoll said she was shocked this year when the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence came out in opposition to Brittany’s Law for the first time.

The coalition, on its website, urged New Yorkers to tell their senators to vote no on Brittany’s Law. It explained that it is opposed to domestic violence registries in any form because they give potential victims a false sense of security, they violate the privacy of victims, and registries do not prevent domestic violence. It said that domestic violence registries can have dangerous unintended consequences and have a disparate impact on people of color.”

This will make a horrible law. Those people who end up on this list will be publicly shamed and hated by society. This will only reinforce whatever maddening ideas they have about the US seem logical. They will not change from their ideology, but rather, they will embrace it.

I think maybe it’s a good idea to create a list for every crime. DUI offenders are far more likely to recommit the same crime than rso. Therefore, they are far more likely to put my children’s live’s in serious danger. If we put everyone on a list for the crap they’ve done, then maybe then the general population will see just how ridiculous it is.