The Senate Public Safety Committee will consider AB 2569 during its hearing on June 28 which starts at 9:30 a.m. in Room 3191. If enacted into law, the bill would reduce the number of people eligible to apply for exclusion from the Megan’s Law website.
The full Assembly passed AB 2569 in May. In order to become law, the bill must be passed by two Senate committees and the full Senate.
“If enacted, Assembly Bill 2569 would harm hundreds of registered citizens and their families,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “This bill must be stopped by sending letters and making phone calls to members of the Senate Public Safety Committee.”
UPDATE 6/29 :
Final Vote on AB 2569:
AB 2569 was passed by the Senate Public Safety Committee. Final vote – 4 “yes” votes, 1 abstain and 2 “no” votes. As the author was able to secure 4 “yes” votes the bill has moved out of the Public Safety Committee to Appropriations.
Yes – Stone, Anderson, Glazer and Monning
No – Lui, Leno
Abstain – Hancock
here is the beginning of a class action or individual lawsuit
This court has jurisdiction because of the sex offender registration contractual agreement, that I was and am forced into through coercion and under duress with threat of imprisonment against my own volition, between the state of California and myself.
Statement of the case;
The defendants are knowingly and willfully misrepresenting the facts and empirical evidence with blatent disregard for the truth with statements of facts that they know or should have known are universally untrue in order to deprive me of my constitutional rights under color of law.
Roger I would come but I have class that I cannot miss but I donate what I can and I am constantly researching so that I am prepared as I can be when the time is right. I have finished my first year of college and once I finish my degree I should be adept enough in the art of discourse and able to articulate well enough to argue at their level in the court room. I thought this site was a place to share ideas and to be able to vent and discuss issues and come up with solutions. I am hoping that someone with the resources and intelligence might take some of these ideas and run with them.believe me as soon as I feel I am ready i will be filing. at least I am taking some kind of action even if it is just researching and preparing at this point.
and i hate to tell you but having rso at these meetings has zero affect on these committee decisions. unless we all show up in mass and I mean by the thousands the only people that can sway a decision are professional organizations and hard data. since rso are not going to show up in mass all your doing is showing support for Janice’s efforts. sending letters making phone calls and donations are the best way to support our cause all of which I have done and I hope everyone that knows about this did too. if you know anything about writing legal briefs you would know that it takes professional attorneys 100s of hours in research by numerous individuals before they even begin drafting the actual motion. I have already spent over a hundred hours getting as far as I have. if I had other people such as the people on here assisting me or contacting organizations like the ACLU or anyone that may listen and act then maybe we could get the real issues in front of a judge.
what needs to happen in these meetings is for an attorney to be sure that these individual committee members are on the record knowing that these laws are completely irrational counterproductive and a waste of taxpayers money and that if they vote in favor of these laws with blatent and reckless disregard for the truth that they are in deriliction of their official duties and official capacity and that they will be sued in both their personal and official lives for deprivation of rights under color of law and remind them that unless they are acting in good faith to not only protect the public but to also protect the Constitution per their oath of office that they will bo longer enjoy absolute immunity and civil action will begin.
I chatted with my senator briefly. My points made to him was …wouldn’t it be wise before considering enacting more legislation regarding registered citizens to first have in place a tiered form of a registry? He seemed real open to the idea…
Interesting new proposal. I believe this only applies to incest/or family related offenses. Very interesting. They will interview the victim to determine if they want the person online? What if the victim is no longer alive? Moved out of the country? Or, what if the person plead non contest or the charges where expunged/dismissed?
I really don’t like raining on someone’s parade but you newbies want to dismiss and ridicule my efforts in our cause so I am going to tell you like it is. you guys can protest until you’re blue in the face and just like in committee meetings your voice has zero impact on how these judges or committee members vote.ZERO even if you marched in the thousands like the LGBT or black lives matter demonstrations you will still have ZERO sway on decision making and ZERO impact on public say I need to stop preaching I say you people need to be engaged in real world research collaboration and solutions instead of wasting your time living in a fantasy world that thinks you can change anything with protest. Robert curtis has a much better chance at swaying a vote with his phone calls then a thousand protesters have at a thousand different locations. send these legislators and news stations and anyone else that will listen or may have some real influence in the world hard facts empirical evidence and documented collateral consequences with demands that action be taking to restore our Constitution. you say stop preaching well guess what I have sent my letters with all the documentation that I mentioned to every news station politicians public defenders ACLU W.A.R. F.A.C. SOSEN and have had many discussions with these individuals. I love all the work and accomplishments that CARSOLhas made and I enjoy the benefits from them and thank God for her efforts and donate and support her and many other organizations but the fact is no one organization is all knowing or willing to think outside the box and challenge the Courts on the real issues i.e. the irrationality unjustified arbitrary detrimental laws that have been and are being passed based on misinformation and misrepresentations of facts and data that we and any law makers know or should have known are universally untrue. i was just informed that a gentleman back east just got an expungment based on this theory and until this is challenged and the legislators are forced to do their duties in good faith then the status qou is going to remain the same with the same outcomes in every court case.
you’re right I go kinda pissed at the people ridiculing my efforts and lashed out at them. I commend any and all efforts however big or small they maybe. I also never said that Janice’s et el had no effect just the opposite I said her professional organizations and other professionals are the only ones that do have effect
there you go with your personal insults and self righteous condemnation. you people just live in a fantasy world and are disconnected to reality if you think your little pathetic protest or individual presence has any influence whatsoever with these mostly corrupt politicians. like I said writing your representatives providing facts and empirical evidence along with donations and support for these organizations are the only things that have any sway at all.
Janice’s success comes from countless hours of research compilation and collaboration with numerous different professionals that are willing to contribute their own expertise and are willing to what I ask people on this site to do which is to provide assistance and actual constructive criticism without personal condemnations for not contributing or acting how you people see fit. question everything applaud and support any and all efforts to advance our cause and everyone who attempts to further the cause. but don’t put your head in the sand and live in a fantasy world. and by all means support anyone’s effort that post on here. I am not hurting anyone by posting my motion drafts on this site but i get feedback like stop preaching and start acting. those kind of statements are idiotic and does nothing to help or support our cause. try keeping your personal insults to yourself and if you don’t like my post don’t read them.
I commend David kennerly for his respectable intelligent discourse and stating his opinion and stance in a productive and respectful form. That’s the kind of mature discourse that we need from each other instead of mentally challenged remarks by dillisional immature minds.
yes protest in mass could possibly have some effect but like you said it has never happened and despite all efforts to make that happen very few participate. it’s sad but that’s the reality of it. I’ve been on this site for years and have been watching what goes on around the country and the only forms of success have been very limited and mostly here in CA and thanks to Janice’s hard work and expertise. but she cannot and shouldn’t have to be the only one that fights our fight and it really pisses me off when individuals want to criticize my work and effort that I’ve been working on instead of providing what limited skills or expertise to the cause. these motions that I am posting are going to get filed when I feel I’m ready for oral arguments and when the arguments are rock solid and winnable.
I post them not only for myself to see them in context but in hopes that individuals may give me feedback and constructive criticism or support and information and additions they may have. that’s what would further our cause not personal insults and condemnations.
This Bill doesn’t make sense to me, for many reasons. 1) The people who qualify for the current exclusion are LOW level offenders. Why should the state spend any money what so ever to change laws regarding LOW level offenders? 2) The current exclusion does protect and help the victims and their families even in indirect ways they may not realize when questioned. Victims and their families may respond negatively towards the offender when initially questioned by whatever local organization is put in charge of such duty because of the emotions they are feeling at the time without realizing the long term ramifications of the LOW level offender being put on the internet websites. 3) The LOW level offenders are more able to get and maintain jobs because they are not on the websites. Therefore, they are tax paying citizens contributing to society in a positive manner. How does it make sense to spend money to purposely result in causing a working, productive, tax paying citizen to become a jobless, unproductive, welfare program recipient. I could go on and on.
My registered significant other has been fortunate enough to maintain employment since their conviction. We live in a very small town. And, if they end up having to be listed on the Internet, being in a small town, that will change VERY quickly! Word gets around fast. There is no anonymity. My significant other pays alimony and child support to victims family. On time, never misses a payment. I’m not sure, since they are no longer in the same household, that the victim would recognize this indirect benefit. If the RSO looses their job, so too does the victims family loose their monthly support. That is actually a direct benefit but not sure they realize. Also, because of the current exclusion, the minor children in the victims household with the same last name as the offender have not been harassed. But, again, being in a small town, that would quickly change if this bill passes.
Makes no sense for LOW level offenders!
It says very clearly in the text of the bill, “prior to granting a exclusion”!!
obviously if you have been granted exclusion already then it doesn’t apply.
correct me if i am wrong
Michelle Bachmann, I mean Melissa Melendez is running for re-election in Nov. Go Jorge Lopez! Lopez is pro-Bernie. Melendez is pro-Trump. Should we be donating money to Lopez?
To whom does this Bill exactly apply to? Can we get a DEFINITE answer for once?
If you have been relieved of the registration requirement, is there still a possibility you could end up on the Internet?
I believe this Bill will only affect those convicted of incest etc. it’s a little difficult to understand. I believe only those convicted of misdemeanor battery or inducent exposure will not be shown/or expunged.
Here’s an ideal. Everyone keeps wondering is this bill retroactive, does it apply to me, etc. etc. etc.
Just call up Melendez’s office and find out those details. If his office can’t give you straight answers, call up a local media station and tell them that a California lawmaker is sponsoring a bill and he doesn’t even know what’s in it. Personally I think this bill isn’t going nowhere. Melissa Melendez is a nobody from Riverside County whose political party is on the decline in California
People need to start holding the feet to the fire of these politicians
Hope to see civil/constitutional/human rights advocates there in Room 3191 on Tuesday June 28 at 9am to voice opposition to AB 2569.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Monday June 27 is the deadline to fax your letters and make your calls to the Senate Public Safety Committee regarding AB 2569 in time to be counted before the hearing on June 28. Yes, the calls and letters have an impact.
RCs who are incest offenders should be especially concerned and active in writing, calling, and coming to Sacramento with us because AB 2569 may put you on the sex offender registry and therefore be in the public spotlight along with the rest of us.
If you didn’t get Janice’s Action Alert email then send us an email to this address (sorry, I have to spell this out due to spam bots):
carsolinfo at gmail dot com
You can ask us to put you on the Action Alert list.
You can also ask us to forward Janice’s latest Action Alert to you.
Does anyone know how this went today?
We’re still waiting on the vote. The good news is that the Chair seemed sympathetic to how the bill would affect victims, but a bunch of the committee members left the room just before the vote. If I understand the procedure, they must give their votes by midnight today. I’m sure Janice will post something as soon as we get the final word.
The committee allowed each of us in line to make quick comments (no, they weren’t staring into space, they really seemed to listen, and mentioned our comments). I said my name and city, then I mentioned that the few incest offenders that would actually be considered SVPs and offend against neighborhood children would always be evaluated after serving time then and committed for life to Coalinga State Hospital (the logical conclusion being that the bill targets people who never will be on the streets again, so what’s the use of the bill?).
No matter how this turns out, it was great to have our voices heard, and great seeing Melendez’s frustration at not having as easy a time of passing populist bills as she had in the past. We are a burr in her saddle.
Our voices matter, guys!
Didn’t you ever think that if you had been born in an earlier time you would have stood up against slavery, treatment of Native Americans, or other ways our culture dehumanized humans?
Well, guess what? YOU are being dehumanized by legislators! You are helping yourself and 135,000+ of our fellow RCs by writing letters, calling, donating, and showing up in Sacramento and Oakland.
You still have a chance to make a difference this summer by coming to our protest in Oakland on July 27. You don’t even have to say a thing. Just come. Even if you don’t have plans to travel anytime soon, we need to push back against the noose that politicians and the courts keep trying to draw tighter.
Together we will help swing the pendulum the other way.
Thank you, Roger, for both testifying at this hearing as well as providing a brief summary of what happened. I did not testify because I am in a federal trial all week in Phoenix. CA RSOL was well represented at the hearing by board members and others affected by this pending legislation. One of those who testified will provide an update, including the final vote on the bill, later today.