The U.S. needs to reexamine how it uses sex-offender registries

Many people end up on sex offender registries who aren’t a danger, like minors who have consensual sex, public urinators or streakers, the author argues. Full Article

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It still floors me how flexible prosecutors are with when minors are and aren’t allowed to be competent to give permission. Look at the instances in all states where prosecutors go after minors (I’ve seen some cases as young as 10 and 11) to be prosecuted as adults. This article references the recent AZ football player exposure case where the 69 indecent exposure charges were dropped because “no one present wanted to press charges.” The majority of those present were minors. So are minors now capable of providing sexual consent in Arizona? I doubt it, unless it’s politically expedient for the prosecutor’s career path.

True is that the USA is more conservative than some Muslim countries when it comes to sex.

The collective guilt that the USA has is lessened by using RSO as a sort of cathartic mass punishment for the very thought of sex here in the USA.

Nothing is going to change that. I only see things getting worse such as the unprecedented mark on international travel document PASSPORT that was only topped by the Nazis and yet, here we are in this modern more enlightened world and it’s happening folks…wake up and smell the reality that we are all doomed to a life a misery while living in the USA and punishment for the collective “sins” of this conservative Christian nation – Land of the Free my ass!

The problems are not based on registries, but what happens before people get put on them. If different attributes, practices, standards, and norms were in place most sex offenses of now would either not be committed and/or no longer be sex offenses. Rather than freak out when something out of the ordinary happens how about figuring out what ordinary actually is and using human nature as the ultimate basis create a better/more open culture that avoids exploitation and abuse by insuring no one gets far enough to have those be the “best” option in their mind.