Remarks by USMS Deputy Director David L. Harlow on the 10-year Commemoration of Adam Walsh Act SMART Symposium July 27, 2016

I am so pleased to be here and to witness again firsthand the incredible work being done by many different, yet all vital, agencies and organizations.

Through the continuous hard work of the Department of Justice’s Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and  Tracking (SMART) Office and this Symposium, progress continues to be made to obstruct the violent and destructive behavior of sexual predators worldwide. …

1. Research shows that sexual crimes reported to police decline by an average of 13% within a jurisdiction after enacting a registry. …

2. Research shows registrants are more than 10 times as likely to be arrested for a new sex crime as those not on the registry. To be clear, that does not mean most registrants will be rearrested for a new sex crime. But it does mean registrants represent far more risk than the general public. … Full Remarks (pdf)


National Symposium on Sex Offender Management and Accountability

2016 National Symposium on Sex Offender Management and Accountability on July 26-27, 2016 at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown – Agenda


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Keep calm, everyone. Director David Harlow (who looks like a very shady and slimy fellow) is just feeding government lies, obfuscating fact to conceal truth, to keep the corrupt law enforcement machine well-oiled and working. Unfortunely, David L. Harlow does not believe in being direct with the truth and facts. Our job is to expose these powerful liars as con men not worthy of any respect.

Sex crimes reported down 13%?
I think he meant that reports of sex crimes are down 13%, but his words infer that 13% less sex crimes are committed and result in reports.
The DOJ still maintains that 86% of all sex crimes go unreported. That means there are a LOT of sex offenders in the good ole USA.

I know a woman who committed a felony sex crime in 1979. Actually of a 12 year old victim. I know her well enough to discuss this issue with her and interestingly enough, she does not consider herself a sex offender. She literally has said that only those caught are sex offenders.


well janice I hope that when I file my motion and start the ball rolling that you might consider joining me when I get to that level.. I believe we need to include will bassler in drafting any motions and any other highly intelligent incredibly articulate individuals such as this time next year my motion WILL be filed and I will argue it with or without assistance….

If you go read SMART’s Twitter you will see non stop tweeting of what I would call…. Propaganda.

No reference to studies we can see for ourselves just I will tell you.

The numbers just don’t match up with facts. Seriously if 1,000 RSO’s are arrested for new sex crimes or homocides each day, then that’s 365,000 a year. So every third year we have all been re arrested for a new sex crime? Lol

I have been on this registry for 15 years. I did get rearrested for going the wrong way in a boat and served two days. Lol.

One late night police woke me up and announced a neighbor half a block away was burglarized. They searched my home then asked for ID then left. I kept saying… Do you think the burglar came here? I just didn’t know what to make of it all.

When I get compliance checks done half a dozen LE officers show up in defensive positions. My crime was 15 years ago and im sure if LE picks up every RSO for things like, not being able to afford insurance or driving the wrong way in a boat and things like that. They can claim we are regular crime waves. Lol

U.S. Marshall David Harlow is just one of the many disingenuous people in law enforcement. I once had great respect for police, donated too much to the Police Protective League, and participated in neighborhood watch with the local department. I even have three retired peace officers in the extended family (who mooch off the CalPERS taxpayer-funded pension that police and sheriff love… though it exploits the very same people these officers pretended to “protect and serve”). After my mistake of not coping well, I learned that police are not the good and honest people I was brought up to believe. All people make mistakes. For Harlow to suggest that I — as well as the many labeled “registrants” — have not learned from the past is an insult.

“Research shows registrants are more than 10 times as likely to be arrested for a new sex crime as those not on the registry. To be clear, that does not mean most registrants will be rearrested for a new sex crime. But it does mean registrants represent far more risk than the general public.”

Highly likely that David L. Harlow pulled his stats out of his a**. According to the Harris and Hanson study, the longer an offender was out of prison, the less likely he would offend. The study found that the 5 year recidivism rate for offenders who have been out of prison five years was 7%; among offenders out 10 years, 5%; and among offenders out 15 years, 4%. Exhibitionists tend to have the higest recidivism rate of all sex offenders.

Also notable is his remarks are not in line with Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statictics data.

This article is nothing more than a Hot Air Headline.
