Registered Sex Offender Barred from Child’s Campus Sues School District

A parent and registered sex offender is suing the Grossmont Union School District because he says he is not allowed on campus to take part in his child’s education.

The father told the district he is a registered sex offender, but the district would not give him the written permission he needs to go on campus, denying him what he and his lawyer, Janice Bellucci, say is his right to take part in his child’s education. Full Article


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I think you are going to lose a lot of the public when it goes to the volunteering part.

“Equality and acceptance for all” – Obama during Ellen’s Medal of Freedom award ceremony.

Uh, huh… SURE. As long as there are schools in America that deny a parent’s birthright to attend their children’s school functions and graduations, Obama’s words will forever ring hollow and self-serving.

United States of Selective Rights!

On that note, how many here had to commit a crime when voting 2 weeks ago because their polling place is in a school?

Seems like I read about some sex offender molesting kids in schools all over the state practically every week but I don’t recall any of them being “registered”.

Thank you, Janice and all, for your continued fight for the civil rights of ALL Americans! I pray for your success in this lawsuit!

In a long line of cases, we have held that, in addition to the specific freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights, the “liberty” specially protected by the Due Process Clause includes the rights . . . to direct the education and upbringing of one’s children.

The Fourteenth Amendment “forbids the government to infringe … ‘fundamental’ liberty interests of all, no matter what process is provided, unless the infringement is narrowly tailored to serve a compelling state interest.”

– Washington v. Glucksburg, 521 U.S. 702 (1997)

I live in this District I was looking at taking some classes at The Adult School in this District but I guess I might be tonight too since there might be high school kids at the same time that I would be on campus even at night never expected this from the district that I went to in high school

Has anyone ever tried attacking this from the child’s point of view? I mean, you could say that every child has the right to have their parents drop them off at school, or attend the school play, or the parent teacher conference with them.

And every child has the right for that to happen with complete discretion. You can’t treat children of RC’s different than other kids.

I think there could be some traction if this were treated as a civil rights thing for the children of registered citizens.

I have 2 kids in school, and they have a right for me to participate in their education the same as other kids do. Without having to jump through hoops getting permission in advance or being ‘monitored’ while I’m there.

The psychology of having a parent involved in their children’s schooling is immensely positive! If the school does not, they are holding back the child’s development intentionally and, I think, maliciously. The child does not need a law to say their parent should be able to be involved. The child has rights (including Miranda if need be) regardless to having their parent involved as noted Constitutionally above. Put the child on the stand or in a deposition to ask for the opinion as noted above and see what they want, then see what the opposition counters. The child will be scarred from the trauma related to the questioning. If a felonious two-time girlfriend beating thug could get on a high school campus to watch hoops unsupervised, then the child deserves to have their parent involved for their development, not for the political correctness of the school and their insurance policy rates.

Sorry, I’m no lawyer but this sounds like a pretty easy fight even for those of us with the mark of the devil on us.

There are numerous examples of SCOTUS cases that show parental rights in the raising and education of our children is a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS require STRICT SCRUTINY by the courts.

This means that ” The state must show that its regulation is necessary to serve a compelling state interest and that it is narrowly drawn to achieve that end”.

Since it was not narrowly tailored to just individuals that are a current threat to the children in the school, and affects anyone slapped arbitrarily with “sex offender” and for an arbitrary duration then the constitutional rights of this family are being violated.

Look here under Section 1 for many other cases on similar subjects:

My son is 10 and put in a charter school for the bettering of his education. I was told if I step foot in school grounds they will call the police. My son is devastated and don’t want to go to school and says why bother learning if you can’t be there to see me do things. Our laws are so wrong, label everyone that is not part of their click. Mistake made 21 years ago have half custody of my son I have him two weeks a month his mother the other two. The courts say I am of no risk I was going to have full custody until I told the courts he needs both parents so we where granted half custody each. Why is it the courts say your go to go and the school says your not, who has the over ruling authority?