SLO YMCA trying to keep out sex offenders

The San Luis Obispo County YMCA is attempting to prevent sex offenders from accessing its gym. [KSBY] Starting in 2017, the YMCA will conduct background checks on all members and applicants. The local YMCA will use the National Sex Offender Registry to check for offenders who could be working out at the gym. Full Article

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“The “Y” is serious about protecting kids and families, Grant said.”

Then cut off access to your SWIMMING POOL for children! The risks and likelihood of death from an accidental drowning far outweigh and exceed any threat from someone on “da list.”

2017 already looks like a repeat of (if not worse than) 2016 in terms of ramping up the fear-mongering rhetoric!

If you are not on the public registry, will you still show up under this background check? I live in Washington State and not publically listed. However, when I took my kid to Children’s Hospital for treatment, I was flagged at the check in for my kids appointment. This is one f*****g screwed up country.

Ironically it was a YMCA staff person who was molesting children, NOT a registered citizen:

Here is another example of a YMCA employee molesting kids:

The problem is NOT RCs hurting kids. The problem is YMCA employees hurting kids.

This is really too bad. For those who are homeless, going to the gym is how they clean up/shower etc.

I wonder why they are focusing on just this Y, its a universal thing to all Ys in the US to have their members background checks… Same with the Jewish centers (similar to the Y) and places of worship (that has child care).. I think the background check is BS

Christian organization like YMCA and Salvation Army and many Churches will answer God according to Matthew 25 and Isiah 58 and the response from Him will be something like “casted into the outer darkness and gashing of teeth”.

Time for me to dig out and dust off my FAKE ID, I think that will cover it !! Yep… access again !!

Guess the Y Will have to step up and put a tattoo on my forehead !

Funny how the most simple things will OUTSMART Someone !!

When I WAS on parole I put a sensor at the entrance to my property ! a $12 dollar device ! I knew when they were here everytime !! Funny thing was about 12 so called wanna be cops (actually REAL Cops sheriff and marshal) all passed right by it and didnt notice ! Guess that goes to show you they only need a GED, that doesnt make you smart !!!

Think outside the box !!!!!!!!!

Doesn’t seem to matter to the Y officials that there may be former murderers, thieves, philanderers, etc. attending the Y. They seem to be going after the last group society says it’s OK to discriminate against.
I tore up my public library card when they began prohibiting offenders from going to the library, now I also won’t be going to the Y.
This witch-hunt mentality “in the name of saving the children” has got to end.

Our outrage does no good, however valid. The question is, what will we be able to do about this? Publicly shame this ymca maybe?

I was flagged also,about this time last year,at Lucille Pacard childrens hospital in Palo Alto. My niece was there for an unknown illness, we didn’t know what was wrong with her, and we were all worried at the time. It turned out she just had diabetes. You should have seen the shit eating grin on the rent-a-cops face,when he told me right in front of my whole family, I couldn’t go in because I was a sex offender, he was probably thinking ha-ha, I CAPTURED one of those sneaky fuckers. This was way beyond humiliating, but I will not let these bastards get me down, I’m going to live my life on my terms not theirs!

No Janice, I didn’t get to, I had to wait outside. This is just one more example, of how the registry adds insult to injury, not punitive my ass!

J, an apology to my family would have been nice, but none was offered, nor did we ask for one. The thing that pissed me off was, did they really think, that I had come to their hospital to harm some poor sick little kid? Who thinks this shit up! These clowns, actually believe the horse shit that’s been fed to them by the media, law enforcement, and the a-holes up in Sacramento! We need to somehow get the message out, that there’s plenty of evidence out there that what they believe to be true,simply isn’t! I want to add this, while I was waiting outside, two women (administration types) approached me and said, if it were my son or daughter or someone directly related to me I would be allowed to go in with an escort I’m not even going to post, what my reply to them was!