Teacher convicted of having sex with her student suing teenage boy for defamation

A 36-year-old teacher convicted of having sex with a person under the legal age of consent in California is suing the student she slept with for defamation. Tara Stumph, who is currently serving a 180 day sentence for having sex with a 16-year-old student, says that statements made by the young man

Source: Teacher convicted of having sex with her student suing teenage boy for defamation

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“Her victim defamed her “to various classmates, family and other members of the community,” Stumph alleges in her lawsuit, local media reports say.”

I think it was more the fact that you slept with at least one student who was under age.

I’m also not surprised she didn’t have to register. 16-year-old+ victims seems to be the threshold for not having to register. I personally know of at least 2 men who also had victims of the same age and didn’t have to register. It still grinds at me though, that they all went “all the way” and didn’t have to register, while my far seemingly lesser crime resulted in being a Price Club member.

Wtf??? She was a Teacher in California and she will NOT have to Register as a SO after release?
More proof our “Justice” System is B.S and the Registry is nothing more than a tool to inflict more Punishment.
Guess it pays to be a Female.

But wait…. explain again why she won’t have to register?? (It sounds like one of those “Consent Decrees” that corporations get to do in lieu of admitting guilt or facing punishment for criminal wrongdoing. Why aren’t those sweetheart deals offered to individuals? Only corporations get special treatment? […and maybe school teachers?]) [Our unjust criminal system is so f*ked.]

She doesn’t have to register because she is NOT from Orange County. OC always requires registration under 290.006 even when the offense is among those not requiring registration. But no one should have to register for it nor even be charged with a crime. 16 should be the threshold for consent in CA since 40 other states and all of the civilized world has an age of consent at 16 years of age.

She doesn’t have to register as a sex offende because there is no victim.

All the cases of consensual sex between 16+ and adults should not even be an issue. We live in a country where our elementary schools teach sex education. Please! Who are we kidding! Why teach them about sex when they are merely kids. I’m a woman and I know that most under age teenagers are having sex. I can’t believe those parents who go to the authorities with their idiotic complaints…..did they think that their son is hurt by all this or their daughter didn’t know what she was doing!?

We are a punishment-loving country….nothing is going to change until people change their attitudes towards one another. Compassion and kindness and resources to help those who need them will go a long way to having a better, kinder world

Rather than wonder why me and not her, I view this as a good sign. I also hope that more prosecutors follow this example and weigh the charges on their merit instead of destroying people by way of the registry simply because they made what is today considered a mistake.

It didn’t used to be this way.

This case makes me very angry and many levels. She is pretty, white and female. This is the ONLY reason she was treated so nicely. And now she’s suing the “victim”? WTF. She even has gone as far as seeking financial and asset protection in case she’s forced to pay anything from losing the lawsuit.

I would no longer be surprised if our civil court system is also so messed up that they’d make the victim’s life a living hell by allowing this woman to win.

When this woman who feels “defamed” is released from incarceration.. she can live wherever she wants, be in the presence of minors and travel abroad without scrutiny..

You damn right I’m pissed off I didn’t get this kinda of deal!

LOL Sorry, I keep hearing lyrics from Fountains if Wayne “Stacy’s Mom”! 😄

It’s ironic that a 16-year-old in this situation is considered a child victim that needs to be protected from a sexual predator. But should the same teen have relations with a younger girl, he might be labeled a sexual predator who knows what he’s doing and should be registered for the rest of his life.

Where is her male mug shot equivalent, hair disheveled, baggy eyes, evil stare? They always post those images to set the tone.
In fact this can be observed as a general rule, white, pretty females are always deep in the American imagination the child in these matters, no matter how old, and the male delinquents the willful enemy of the state.

A 33 yr old, pretty and very young looking lesbian friend of mine was recently charged and convicted as a sex offender. Her female victim was 16. She met her on the internet and met the girl at her house. Her charges were: 1) COMMITS BY USE OF FORCE, VIOLENCE, DURESS, MENACE, OR FEAR ON CHILD OR DEPENDENT ADULT – FELONY; 2) SEXUAL PENETRATION UNDER AGE 18 YRS – FELONY; 3) ORAL COPULATION WITH MINOR UNDER 18 YRS – FELONY; 4) CONTRIBUTING TO DELINQUENCY OF MINOR-ENCOURAGE ANY PERSON UNDER 18 YRS TO COME WITHIN 300, 602, OR 601 W&i – MISDEMEANOR.

I told her what was likely going to happen to her. The DA was talking about giving her at lease 2 years prison with the tier III SVP designation. I was in fear for her with all the possible consequences. But to my surprise, they let her self surrender for booking and let out in about an hour with no bail required. They did not search her computers or phone for the evidence of grooming the victim and meeting her through the internet, she rarely had to actually go to court as her attorney appeared for her. In the end she plead to a misdemeanor, received 2 months house arrest with ankle monitor, informal probation with no search clause, no limit on computer use or smart phones and does not have to be listed on ML publicly.

No man would of been let off so easy. I just don’t get it. She now thinks I’m an idiot since none of the things I said could happen to her actually did not happen. Glad it was easy for her, but I don’t understand why.

WOW, can’t believe their are More comments for the Arroyo Grande Paper (local news CLOSE to the CMC Calif. Prison for Gays and Offenders) SLO town closeness…OVER 2800 Comments on their site, more than ours to comment and stand up for UNFAIRNESS in this trial and as the GAYS Stand Up Speak Up, other relationships like this in The Classroom even with the school Educator being years younger than 36, THEY are still on the registar if it was a MALE< (Sorry RC's Female on here, but it's the majority in this case) I DARE you to go to this article's external page and read more than 100 of the 2,780+ Comments today. You might
just be surprised others are out there that this was NOT FAIR Sentencing at all. Gendering as well. Who was the Judge? Unlike the Judge in the Stanford 261 case on another girl that was not a minor but trashed(can).
Is their still justice here for all when RC's here have done <LESS (?)

Terrible story! Double standard. This was an adult teacher (person of authority) who had sex with an underage child. You hear about this all the time. I believe she got 180 days in jail and isn’t required to register as a sex offended? Unreal! If I did this, I would go to prison and made to look like an evil animal!!!!