We must protect children at schools from dangerous sex offenders: Connie Leyva

Just last year, a group of concerned Fontana parents discovered a loophole in the law that allows dangerous sex offenders to enter school grounds and target children. They found out that dangerous sex offenders could volunteer at schools if they were given permission by a school official. Full Op-Ed piece

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The drama queen is HPD,

What are the requirements for being a senator besides having a pulse? Connie obviously has no data to back her position. The scary thing is that many will blindly follow her. It’s good to see that her last attempt was a fail. It shows that the real decision makers are looking at concrete data – finally. Let’s create an idiot registry and sign Connie up as a Tier 3.

“These offenders should never be around children unsupervised.”

DUH! A registered citizen participating in his/her own child’s education would NOT be unsupervised at the school.

You know, I thought that when a bunch of hot air blew out of the Inland Empire to the coast that it was called “Santa Ana Winds”. Maybe they need to rename it as “Leyva Winds”! Just sayin’.

when I read these articles I find them funny because of the big fear push that’s involved , like RC’s are out there with a bag of gummy bears or something like that , and it reminds me of the old hustler mags with chester the molester ,lol when the fact is the only cases I know of a kid being molested in school was not done by RC,s , no they were done by staff with very little over site , yet every soccer mom act as if they just finished reading there ol mans hustler , or its some sweaty nut sack with more bones in this own closet than he wants anyone looking at , and the whole time everyone is wondering why when they go to the school that there shoes have gummy bears all stuck to the bottoms , and never following the trail to uncle Bobs , or mister bus driver , its just stupid to think that a parent that is an RC that cares enough about his/her kids education even knowing of the stigma attached would be looked at as brave and trust worthy , at least people know who the RC is , what about all the people that are in power ? who is watching them ? whos watching any of these fools in power and are big time finger pointers

Protecting children is supposed to be the responsibility of the parents and family members not law enforcement, and the legislators. A parent or family member that cry out “our children need protection from “dangerous sex offenders”” and doing all kinds of cowardly things like this and not taking responsibility are showing weakness in their role of parenting and providing their children protection themselves or seek professional help.

STOP CL! You need to Educate yourself, not from outraged ignorant fear mongering parents within the City of F city limits sending their family via the FUSD. STOP and EDUCATE yourself with THE FACTS, the differences of past history over 17 yrs of no crimes CONNIE! I am a FOHI Grad and know the REAL facts in Fontucky.
My parents worked for the district for over 45 yrs. The board meetings were the out of control as they always have been. It was hard enough getting them to accept LGBTQQ students back then let alone a Safe Place for meeting on campus. i cannot even go to my Alum activities nor see my father’s friends I grew up with that work there! I was ousted by the Board for evening REQUESTING to have a safe haven for GLBTQQ Studs.
SHE needs to STOP and smell the coffee and go get FACTS from CASOMB and other FACTUAL facts not Fear and IGNORANCE! She is just pushed but other scare tatics. SAD for not finding out the facts.
She thinks that RC’s ALL kidnap, rape, and kill and mame kids, really? What about no contact for 20 yrs?

It is getting to be the soccer mom who is befriending the kids these days and doing the deed. Danger Will Robinson, Danger!! Your friend’s mom is after you! Heck she could be a teacher at the school too to make it a true daily double!

I find it interesting that the comments section of the newspaper article is not showing any comments or the ability to add comments. Is anyone else seeing that too?

She’s just pushing her constituants’ hot buttons to rile them up to support her next attempt at banning registrants from schools. She sure seems to be using the same game plan as the repeal and replace crowd. Doing the same thing over and over again with the same results in normal circles is considered a sign of insanity, being a control freak. For politicians it is the path to re-election. Come to think of it many who go into politics are control freaks.

Lol….this lady doesn’t like to lose…

No opportunity on that page to leave a comment. How conveeeeeenient.

She knows the comments section would be overflowing with opposing views expressing logic-based , fact-supported reasons why she is 100% wrong on this make believe issue.

married sub teacher 30 with 8th graders in California, 54 year old from Georgia with 17 year old, 27 year teacher from Nebraska with 16 year old, teacher aide 24 from Colorado with 14 years old, and these are just a few that has been reported by the media, loop or loophole whatever it may be there is no certain type of particular person, all this hype about keeping *so* out is not and has not ever been the issue, the city of fontana should bring up all these teachers and aides that have been in the news, unless you call the every day regular person a stalker or a predator looking for the next target, it has nothing to do with a random person walking along around schools, and this raptor system the schools are using to see if a visitor is on the website is not in a sence useless but why are there continuing relations with students and teachers? whos the real threat a random every day person or the (so called) trusted staff who be – friended and betrayed that roll? so who’s the true predator?

KeepKidsSafe.org is a 501(c)(3), yet they keep promoting people to contact legislation using propaganda spewed in places like commenting on articles like this one, calling 10k people “sexual preditors”. This is in violation of laws concerning the 501(c)(3) status.

Apparently, she is the subject of mockery up in Sacramento.

Poor thing.

Did she vote FOR the tiered registry because she wanted to be on the winning side of something, anything, for a change? I wonder.