TX: Woman may be first sex offender evicted as towns adopt exclusion zones

… Yet when she showed up to check in at the Meadows Place police station, she said police refused to register her as a resident and informed her she couldn’t live in her home. A city ordinance prohibited registered child sex offenders from living within a certain distance of places where children gathered; her house was too close to a city pool.

“But I already live here,” she replied.

“You can’t anymore,” she was told. In an unfolding legal battle, KJ stands to become the first Texas homeowner evicted from her own house for violating one of the ordinances. Full Article

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Someone please tell me again how this isn’t a punishment or inhibits daily life😂😂😂😓😥

umm I m not sure about Texas but I think she is already Grandfathered .

A good but sad article. I liked that they said research shows most established fears to be completely wrong. Even better was the sheriff admitting these laws do nothing and they don’t even have the resources to enforce them.

I believe she is grandfathered under the new law that went into effect here in Texas recently. The old ordinance that the town had previously since 2006 is void because they didn’t have the authority to pass such an ordinance at the time. It can’t apply to her. The town’s new ordinance came into effect after she established residency. So she’s grandfathered. But the town is going to fight, so she is going to have to fight even harder for her rights.

“Thanks in part to the small parks and their new equipment, Jessup said all but 147 of Meadows Place’s 1,456 residences are now off limits to registered sex offenders looking to move into the city. He said a new pocket park is planned in the city’s north, which will expand the exclusion zone.”
Keep up the good work, Meadow Place. The more you show active attempts at creating a banishment zone, the better it will look for our side in a lawsuit. Were this not in the 5th Circuit, I’d say “any judge” will see through the sham parks they’ve built. The quotes from the city officials in this article will come back to haunt them, I’m quite sure. (And were I her attorney, I’d be getting photos of every single “park” they’ve created.)
@mike r:
Using his car odometer to identify the boundaries, he found a house to buy. On the day of the closing, however, police informed him he’d mismeasured the distance from a community swimming pool; his house was only 850 feet away.

He canceled the deal. Three months later, Gallegos purchased another house, this time using Google Maps. Days after closing, Venus police told him their laser measurements showed it was 48 feet too close to the prohibited zone.
This is exactly the type of example you can use in your lawsuit, showing the type of tools available to the RC (odometer and Google Maps), versus the super-duper accurate, high-tech, and expensive systems the Government can afford, has, and uses (laser measuring).

Everything is big in Texas, including the lawsuit about to be shoved up their big arse.

This is just wrong. Wrong on many many levels. I dont understand how its legal.

Curious, but has there been any verbiage at city meetings and so forth (anywhere that this happens) that declare that the only reason that these parks are being created is so that the children have new places to play? I wonder if officials lie saying it’s for the children (as a place to play) or do they outright say they are strictly for keeping offenders away. Either way, it’s interesting watching grown people act like children by grabbing and taking away things.