[New York Times] The recent surge in accusations of sexual harassment and assault has prompted some admitted offenders to seek professional help for the emotional or personality distortions that underlie their behavior. “My journey now will be to learn about myself and conquer my demons,” the producer Harvey Weinstein said in a statement in October. The actor Kevin Spacey announced that he would be “taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment.” Whatever mix of damage control and contrition they represent, pledges like these suggest that there are standard…
Read MoreYear: 2017
CA: LA’s Hidden Sex Offender Problem is about to Get Worse
A few hours before Los Angeles voters went to the polls for a recent election, an unaccompanied man hauled voting equipment and confidential voter information into an LA elementary school’s auditorium through a front entrance as early arriving children and teachers trickled in during the early part of the 6am hour. According to the LAUSD and the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder, this man’s presence at the school is strictly prohibited because he is a registered sex offender with a years-old aggravated felony for lewd or lascivious acts with a child…
Read MoreThe Police Who Prey on Victims [opinion]
[cato.org] Although much of the press has been focused, of late, on the incidents of sexual assault in the entertainment and media industries, it is also among the most pernicious and likely under-reported varieties of on-duty police misconduct. The police are viewed by the majority of the public as among the most trusted institutions in society, behind the military and small business. Many of the people who come into contact with police, though, suffer the stigma of criminal records, tenuous immigration status, mental illness, intoxication or substance addiction, or some…
Read MoreFL: With more sex offenders, probation officers want more money
With an increase in some of the state’s most dangerous sex offenders living outside of prisons and on probation, some of the state officers assigned to watch them have asked the Legislature for a raise to keep the most experienced on board. Full Article
Read MoreFL: Florida bill would declare porn a public health crisis: causes ‘unhealthy brain development’
[lifesitenews.com] FLORIDA, November 22, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – The state of Florida may declare pornography a public health crisis because of the myriad health and brain problems it causes. Rep. Ross Spano, who represents House District 59, introduced a resolution acknowledging “pornography is creating a public health crisis and contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teens.” If the resolution passes, the declaration that pornography is a public health crisis will mean the government “acknowledges the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change to protect the citizens of this state.”…
Read MoreCA: Why Highland is repealing its sex offender residency ordinances
The city of Highland is repealing its residency restrictions on sex offenders, two years after the state Supreme Court deemed similar restrictions unconstitutional. The City Council has agreed to repeal its ordinance, which prohibits sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of public or private schools and parks, after receiving a threat of litigation from Sacramento-based attorney Janice Bellucci. Full Article
Read MoreAZ: Buckeye Police create registry program for individuals with autism, other disabilities
[abc15.com] The Buckeye Police Department has launched a registry and identification program for individuals with autism and other conditions after a city officer mistook an autistic teen for a drug user earlier this year. Buckeye officials said the voluntary program will help officers better manage calls and interactions. But experts and civil rights leaders worry about its implementation. Read more
Read MoreWhat Rape Reform Needs: More Convictions, Less Punishment [opinion]
[thecrimereport.org] In what is being called the “Post-Weinstein era,” victims of sexual assault and harassment are finally being believed. This no doubt is overdue, but in the context of rape, believing the victim will not be enough. Three reforms are essential to how we convict and punish rapists. First, the way states currently define the crime of rape does not target the conduct of unwanted sex. In the United States, rape was initially defined by unwanted sex accompanied by an element of force. The proof of force was and continues…
Read MoreCA: Child porn case against California doctor dismissed
[pressherald.com] The child pornography case against a California doctor whose computer was searched after he submitted it to Best Buy’s Geek Squad for repair has been dismissed after a judge ruled that an FBI agent made “several false or misleading statements or omissions … with reckless disregard for the truth” in a search warrant affidavit. The case against oncologist _____ attracted national attention because it revealed that technicians at the Geek Squad’s central repair facility in Kentucky had been paid by the FBI and would tip off the FBI field…
Read MoreTX: Jefferson Co. D.A.: Zero tolerance for sex offenders
[KFDM.com] Jefferson County District Attorney Bob Wortham tells KFDM News that his office has zero tolerance for sex offenders and will not support a sentence of probation for anyone convicted of a sex offense. Wortham said the holiday season is a time when sex crimes often increase. He says 90 percent of the offenders know their victims. In fact, he said, of the 150 cases set for trial in Jefferson County, all but one are cases in which the offender knows the victim. Wortham urges parents to talk with their…
Read MoreThe Relationship Between Juvenile Sex Offender Registration and Depression in Adulthood [research paper]
[Walden University Dissertations and Doctoral Studies] Abstract: Accounts of sexual abuse appear daily in the media. Rightfully, this issue demands attention. Juveniles may be victims; they may also be offenders who are subject to sex offender registration and notification (SORN) policies. Growing research finds that SORN policies fail to achieve intended public policy outcomes. Little is known, however, about the unintended consequences of SORN for juvenile offenders. This study contributed to a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of these policies on this population. Merton’s concept of manifest and latent…
Read MoreFinally! The Naked Congressman Principle! [opinion]
[ethicsalarms.com] I’m sure Democrats will be thankful for this. Ultra-conservative Texas Congressman Joe Barton, in his fourth decade in the House, has a nude selfie circulating on the web. As I note above, ew. There are some material distinctions from the Weiner debacle: Joe was separated when he sent them; he wasn’t showing his man-things to cyber-pal he had never met, and most important of all, he didn’t lie about it, immediately confirming that the selfie was indeed his. which, unfortunately, means that he is also copping to sexting the…
Read MoreTX: District Attorney puts sex offenders on notice, warns parents that strangers are least of their worries
Jefferson County District Attorney Bob Wortham has a message for unregistered sex offenders looking for a place to hide: stay away from Southeast Texas. “I really think sexual predators should find somewhere else to go,” Wortham said, adding that unregistered sex offenders in Jefferson County would be prosecuted for failing to register and for failing to change their address within seven days of moving. They face third-degree felony charges and punishment ranging from two to 10 years behind bars. Full Article
Read MoreVA: Sex offenders in emergency shelters; notification registration (SB24)
[Richmond Sunlight] Sex offenders in emergency shelters; notification registration. Provides that a registered sex offender who enters an emergency shelter designated by the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof and operated in response to a declared state or local emergency shall, as soon as practicable after entry, notify a member of the shelter’s staff who is responsible for providing security of such person’s status as a registered sex offender. The bill provides that the shelter’s staff may access the publicly available information on the Sex Offender and Crimes Against…
Read MoreAK: Personal rights and stigma: when and where can sex offenders participate in the community? (Opinion)
[KBBI Alaska] Towns across Alaska have to grapple with what to do once a known sex offender returns to the community after serving their punishment. Though there are clear limits in some areas, there are massive gray zones, as well. Residents in Homer are struggling to balance fairness with safety ahead of one of the Kenai Peninsula’s biggest celebrations. Read more
Read MoreNJ: Tracking Sex Offender With GPS Bracelet Violates Constitution (Supreme Court)
Approximately two-thirds of all ex-prisoners are arrested within three years of their release. With a statistic like that, the risk of sexual predators reoffending is particularly concerning. However, strapping criminals who have served their time with a GPS is not a solution, according to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Full Article
Read MoreOverextending the definition of sexual assault is also harmful (Opinion)
We are going to need some new words. As allegations of sexual misconduct continue to flood our mass media, the term “sexual misconduct” won’t suffice. Neither will “sexual assault” or “harassment.” “Misconduct” is a handy catchall when we are not sure which actions under discussion are criminal and which are merely disgusting, but the legal terms of assault and harassment are surprisingly and unhelpfully broad. Full Opinion Piece
Read MoreCongressman Smith vs. the activists
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