NY: “All Sex Offender Registries Should Be Abolished”: Reason/Soho Forum Debate


That’s the highly controversial resolution that will be argued at the next Soho Forum/Reason debate, on Monday, February 12 at New York’s Subculture Theater from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Emily Horowitz will argue the affirmative position. She is professor and chair of the sociology and criminal justice department at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, New York, where she founded a program that helps the formerly incarcerated complete college.

Marci A. Hamilton will take the negative. She is Fox Professor of Practice and Fox Family Pavilion Resident Senior Fellow in the Program for Research on Religion in the Fox Leadership Program at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Reason And The Soho Forum Want To Know, Do We Abolish The Registry?




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Thanks for publicizing this. More people will hear arguments for abolishing the “sex offender registry” Hopefully some NY judges will be in attendance.

If the super expensive ny state sex registry works even a little, then explain this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2016/12/02/cops-arrest-three-high-risk-sex-offenders-in-subway-incidents/amp/

Of course the politicians, bureaucrats, and self-interested businessmen will “compromise” and agree to a “risk” based registry.

Glad to see our plight become fodder for good sport.

This debate is not going to create new laws or abolish old ones. (It might change a few minds in the audience, but that’s about it) These are two law professors going into a competition to see who can make a better argument. Debates don’t award victories to the person who was RIGHT, they’re literally a contest to see which person can present facts in a predetermined format better (if a winner is determined at all). They don’t even have to believe what they are arguing. They are often assigned a topic and must then research and organize their presentations.

Debates are a sport for the intellectual. That’s why it is often compared to boxing matches. And all we have become is equipment for that sport.

2.2% recidivism rates in 1997 according to the CA AGs own antiquated reports. Far cry from “frightening and high” 80%.

That’s what I’m talking about. Thank god the democrats have finally found their spine. History shows us quite well that you don’t stop fascists or their sympathizers by appeasing them.

If the debator who is for abolishment’s heart isn’t in it, they will pretty much get embarrassed. It takes a special kind of person to present this argument. The spouse of a registrant who’s innocent childrens lives have been for no reason Dismantled, by the only & actual accomplishments of this registry monstrosity seems a good choice. Your honor, please?? For The Children.

The sex offender registry was never meant to keep everyone safe, it is a continuation of the punishment of those convicted any kind of sex crime and we think that war on drugs is the greatest contributing cause of US mass incarceration what about the sex offender registry, isn’t that the contributing cause of the US mass incarceration? Yes, abolish the sex offender registry no ifs, ands, or buts.

Great debate. Glad I watched it and glad Emily ‘won’ There was one thing that wasn’t mentioned. I wanted to shout it out to the screen. It could have been a fitting response, when the sour faced lady claimed that the registry was valid if it could save one child. How many children of registrants must suffer shame and bullying in order to save that one child? Anyway, the voters have resoundingly seen through the stock fear mongering the opposition relied on and voted for E. Horowitz, champion. 70% down with the registry!

I seriously wish they would get rid of the registry for several reasons, for starters I can’t go home, I’m literally stuck in NY til 2031, if I was to relocate back to my home state i would automatically be declared a level 3, only in NY that I’m labeled as a level 1 offender, Nearly every state I’ve looked into decides your risk level by the crime you were convicted of instead of looking at the circumstances and the reason in why things happened, If I was to go back I would be subjected to a 2k foot residence ban which applies to all offenders in my home state, that ban practically makes every major city unlivable. Like I said I seriously wish the registry would be abolished and if it is or isn’t I can promise this the second I’m off the registry I’m gonna be on the 1st thing smoking out of N.Y. and I swear I’m not coming within 500 miles of N.Y. state.