In a move once reserved for Nazis, sex offender from Grand Prairie loses citizenship and gets deported

A Grand Prairie immigrant was stripped of his U.S. citizenship and deported to Nigeria after a felony conviction for indecency with a minor this week. Full Article

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The headline written for this article is both amazing and accurate. Kudos to this Texas newspaper for speaking the truth.

The newspaper has changed the name of the article to remove the reference to Nazis.

The new title is “In rare legal decision, sex offender from Grand Prairie loses citizenship and gets deported”.

There is now a subheading that says “Correction: The headline has been updated to omit the incorrect statement that loss of citizenship was once reserved for Nazis.”

I guess someone complained about the title, perhaps because there have been others besides Nazis who’s citizenship has been revoked for committing crimes.

I’m a bit lost with this idea of revoking citizenship due to prior items. Every DACA recipient did break the law crossing into the US illegally. Yet, they all get a pass. Why?

Why is one set a group allowed to get away with breaking the law and then becoming a citizen okay, but not for another set?

I understand what the law is enforcing, but it apparently isn’t enforcing it unilaterally for all. To me, that’s egregious. If the standard is that you break a law going before becoming naturalized, then all people who break laws should also be negated from staying as well as be deported.

While the specifics of a 7 yo are regrettable, in a generic manor deportation was probably best for all involved.

How many jews wanted to live in Nazi Germany?

How many sex offenders want to live in the USA?

On this site I read more and more about people wanting to leave the USA, but cannot move to the country of their choice due to registry and passport issues.

According to the updated article:

Correction: The headline has been updated to omit the incorrect statement that loss of citizenship was once reserved for Nazis.

Please comment at the site’s comments section. I think we are all needed there.

DACA children hardly had a choice coming here. Most were brought here by their parents. The real issue here is this immigrant was expected to self incriminate himself before being charged with a crime. The criminal act occurred in 2002, applied for citizenship in 2004, not convicted until 2015. In the law in 2004, he was innocent under the law. Right?

Interesting. If the guy was from Mexico deportation would be impossible because of being on the SOR (Mexico refuses travel to Mexico for RSO). Adam Walsh brought this fact up a couple of years ago that Mexican nationals weren’t being added to the SOR due to not being able to deport them. My question is if you (after dropping your US citizenship) were to marry a Mexican national and became a Mexican citizen and you illegally moved back into the USA because of not being able to be deported… can you petition to be removed from the SOR for the purpose of being deported? Loop-holes, aren’t they just wonderful?

Unlike others here, I don’t see a whole lot wrong with this. Take a step back in time and consider what would have happened had he been caught in 2002 for his crime (prior to applying for citizenship). He would have been deported. That he was granted citizenship in 2004 under false pretense (he lied on his application), had it revoked, and was deported, seems quite in line and logical to me. Had he murdered someone, not been caught, lied about it, and then been found out, I’m guessing (though don’t know for sure) he would receive similar treatment.

Was revocation and deportation excessive? Perhaps, if it’s truly the “unusual and incredibly rare move” the article claims it to be. But how many cases exist? How many applications were denied because someone admitted to a similar offense as this? The cases are probably unusual and rare because the problem is most often caught prior to granting citizenship. If everyone gets revoked citizenship and deportation for lying about felonies–or a subset of felonies, as long as consistently applied, I say there’s nothing to see here.

As the article also points out, “a federal court may revoke naturalization through a civil or criminal proceeding if the citizenship was obtained through fraud or misrepresentation.” That’s apprently exactly what happened here, regardless the crime committed.

He’s not alone I’m sure.