MA: Victims’ advocate wants psychologists charged if sex offenders repeat

[ 6/3/18]

A leading victims advocate wants state-appointed psychologists who declare sex offenders can be released from prison held accountable if the predators strike again.

Jennifer Lane, president of Community Voices, said charges should be brought against the examiners in some cases.

“I’m so sick and tired of this,” Lane told the Herald. “There are more people defending sex offenders than the victims.”

Pedophiles and rapists don’t age out of their horrific habits, she said. “It’s a mental issue.”

Her comments come as the Supreme Judicial Court is “taking under advisement” a petition to keep serial child rapist Wayne W. Chapman civilly committed in MCI-Shirley. He’s accused of molesting up to 100 boys.

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No problem. We should also start arresting parents for all their children’s misdeeds. After all, you raised them and deemed them safe enough to roam free in society.

“I’m so sick and tired of this,” Lane told the Herald. “There are more people defending sex offenders than the victims.”

Really? I’m sick and tired of the false sense of entitlement that Megan’s Law allows. I’m 100% for antinatalism. Children in America do not reserve the right to “feel safe” at the expense of my own personal safety and privacy.

Using this logic: Cops, prosecutors, judges, and politicians should be charged if a person not on the registry commits a sex crime. I hear 95 percent aren’t…

Well somebody should publish an article that just sex the “sex offenders” are sick and tired of her crazy victim mentality.

“I’m so sick and tired of this,” Lane told the Herald. “There are more people defending sex offenders than the victims.”

Probably because in the last 25 years more parents have seen their children become registered sex offenders than be victimized by a RSO.

I have a better one than arresting the therapists, put them on the registry.

‘“There are more people defending sex offenders than the victims.” ‘ (says who?)
Pedophiles and rapists don’t age out of their horrific habits, she said. (and she arrived at this conclusion how?)
“It’s a mental issue.” (no kidding, really. Sounds like a criminal issue to me)
“accused of molesting up to 100 boys.” (guilty or not guilty?)
“was reported for being “fully exposed” in his bed ” (was reported by who, under what circumstances?)
“allegedly stalking her in a grocery store” (but did he do it or not?)
Accused, reported, allegedly. These are words to strike an emotion in your audience without really committing yourself to any information to back it up. Fill in the blank journalism.

I think more people are waking up to the fact that most of these laws are mostly useless in solving anything. Big waste of time and money better spent elsewhere.

Oh how wonderful she is so sick and tired of this. Hey Lady, I bet you 100 quaking ducks you won’t get off your butt and do one substantial helpful thing. In fact I guarantee you are not sick and tired of the right thing. The primary concern and honestly what everyone should be furious over is letting offenses happen for the first time in the first place. Guess what happens when the number of first time offenses are reduced? Less offenders, less victims, and less overall crime. Anyway who isn’t interested in that truly is a horrible person.